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Jewellery in a sentence

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Sentence count:288+15Posted:2017-04-05Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: jewelrySimilar words: dwellerjeweljewelryfarewellgalleryswelledsellersculleryMeaning: ['dʒuː(ə)lrɪ]  n. an adornment (as a bracelet or ring or necklace) made of precious metals and set with gems (or imitation gems). 
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91. I was especially impressed on my tour by the glass section, the textiles, the jewellery, and the car designs.
92. Paul, a jewellery salesman from Battersea, was convicted of murder.
93. Bao Van Brandenburg started her career in jewellery design in Geneva, where she opened her first boutique in 1978.
94. Despite efforts by the police to trace the original owners, some jewellery has remained unclaimed.
95. When they left she found an antique carriage clock in the hallway missing and also some jewellery.
96. Police are investigating a burglary in which a small quantity of jewellery was stolen.
97. This feels and looks like mafia-land, where men wear machine guns like jewellery.
98. Edouard examined the jewellery carefully, standing in the north light of the atelier's large window.
99. The two museums have some real hidden treasures, including 3,300 items of jewellery from all periods.
100. I took off my rings and jewellery and put them in my handbag then lowered myself over the cliff edge.
101. She was a traditionalist - her jewellery gave no concessions to modern fashion.
102. He spent his childhood in Lincoln and left school at 16 to join his father's jewellery shop.
103. It seemed to her she must have on every piece of jewellery the family owned.
104. To prevent scratching,[] store your jewellery separately in a lined jewellery box or jewellery role.
105. This beautiful piece of jewellery is the work of a meticulous craftsman.
106. She wore no jewellery except for a simple band around her wedding finger.
107. The main item of jewellery worn by men, other than a watch(, is cuff links.
108. Thieves are digging up corpses in order to steal jewellery and gold teeth.
109. Some 60m pieces of diamond jewellery are sold every year, indicating a sizeable target audience.
110. They want photo stories, tales of holiday romances, horoscopes and advice columns as well as free gifts of make-up and jewellery.
111. Jewellery worth £450 was taken after a thief got in through an open window.
112. If you are big-boned or tall, avoid small jewellery, belts and handbags.
113. Gold and silver have attracted particular attention because they were used to make prestige items such as jewellery and regalia.
114. The guide led her into the air-conditioned jewellery shop and held out the box to a sales assistant.
115. Take your jewellery and pawn it, get yourself a place to live, and then get yourself a job.
116. And the princess has accepted gifts of jewellery worth several million pounds.
117. Much jewellery, especially gemstones and hairpins, was itself used as a vehicle for portraiture.
118. They stole a video camera, figurines and jewellery from the property in Bishopton Park.
119. In the Roman Imperial period copper and bronze statues and silver and bronze jewellery were commonly gilded.
120. Break-in: Thieves broke into a house in Norris Street, Warrington, and stole jewellery and goods worth £2,700.
More similar words: dwellerjeweljewelryfarewellgalleryswelledsellerscullerysellersartillerywell-educatedwelldwellswellwell offas wellunwellcutlerywell knownwell-knowndwell ontillerrollerhollerallergykillerswellingdwellingwell nighmay as well
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