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Incrementer in a sentence

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Sentence count:22Posted:2024-07-18Updated:2024-07-18
Similar words: incrementincrementalautoincrementincrementationannual incrementincremental costincremental valueincremental backup
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1. You will receive annual salary/pay increments every September.
2. The average yearly increment in labour productivity in industry was 4.5 per cent.
3. Many teachers qualify for an annual increment.
4. Few countries can afford increments in their recurrent budget.
5. You simply set a starting bid and leave an instruction to raise the bid in preset increments up to a ceiling.
6. It warns policymakers not to get tangled up with averages but to focus instead on increments.
7. Trainees are paid on Clinical Scientist grade A, which is currently £9,239 p.a. increasing by annual increments.
8. Mixing curves are ticked to represent 20% increments, and were calculated using the following parameters.
9. Increments are awarded for years of service and upon completion of recognized courses of study, teachers move to a higher scale.
10. They are also counting on $ 10 million in tax increment financing via the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency.
11. Thus we may be able to initiate an instruction fetch from store and increment the program counter in one micro-instruction.
12. And over the years those increments of certitude had made me the perfect foreigner.
13. Calibration is done insitu using a chopped laser beam to provide a known heat increment.
14. They also count on $ 10 million in tax increment financing via the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency.
15. The 25 initial contracts, due for delivery in 1995[], will rise and fall in dollar increments.
16. However, you do not receive an increment for any week when you or a dependant are receiving another national insurance benefit.
17. Then came advertising in record increments as young manufacturers searched for national markets.
18. Your starting salary will be £9,954 and your first increment will be payable 6 months from your date of commencement.
19. So it must be assumed that the importance of marginal increments of all production is low and declining.
20. It is therefore impossible to predict with certainty what amount of supplementation will result in what increment in the serum phosphate concentration.
21. The two Incrementer classes purport to do some do-nothing work (incrementing a variable).
22. Your first method, annotated as shared and therefore visible externally from the class, defines the incrementer.
More similar words: incrementincrementalautoincrementincrementationannual incrementincremental costincremental valueincremental backupincremental methodincremental changeincremental revenueincremental encodermeasurement errormeasurement equipmentdecrementexcrementcement concreteplacement centercenter managementcomplementerentertainment centermaintenance requirementgovernment procurementparameter measurementobjective measurementperformance measurementcharacteristic measurementcommencement ceremonymaterial requirement planningcurrent measurement
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