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In short supplies in a sentence

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Sentence count:20Posted:2024-06-18Updated:2024-06-18
Similar words: in short supplysuppliesoffice suppliesdaily suppliesin shortin short ordersuppliersupplied with
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1. Exploitable raw materials were in short supply.
2. Food is in short supply following the flooding.
3. Strawberries are in short supply at the moment.
4. When money is in short supply many businesses fail.
5. Food is in short supply.
6. Basic foodstuffs were in short supply.
7. Cigarettes are in short supply, like everything else here.
8. Good agricultural land is in short supply.
9. Gasoline was in short supply after the war.
10. Food is in short supply all over the country.
11. Sunshine will be in short supply for the west coast.
12. When nutrients are in short supply the body cannot function properly.
13. The announcement seems providential at a time when good news is in short supply.
14. Suitably sized shells are often in short supply and in some areas this limits the hermit crab population.
15. The skeletal parts of hard corals are made of calcium carbonate and if this is in short supply they can suffer.
16. They stated that basic equipment and medicines were in short supply and that antibiotics and analgesics were particularly scarce.
17. Here items in short supply are sold at inflated prices - but still generally lower than on the black market.
18. But if you can offer talents that are in short supply, you may be better able to extract concessions than you suppose.
18. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
19. With food being in short supply, it was illegal to throw bread into rivers.
20. But brightness was in short supply as his players trooped off to a crescendo of boos.
More similar words: in short supplysuppliesoffice suppliesdaily suppliesin shortin short ordersuppliersupplied withexport subsidiesinshorein shoreshortsrun shortshortstopshort-stayshort stopshort salerun short ofshort salesshort sleepshort storyon short timeshort shriftshort squeezeshort sleeveundershortson short noticeshort sellingshortsightedshort-staffed
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