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Imperfective in a sentence

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Sentence count:10Posted:2025-01-07Updated:2025-01-07
Similar words: imperfectionperfectiveimperfectimperfectlyimperfect competitionimperfectnessimperfect marketosteogenesis imperfectaMeaning: n. aspect without regard to the beginning or completion of the action of the verb. 
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1. The aspect of verb in Russian (imperfective aspect and perfective aspect) is one of the difficulties for Chinese students.
2. The aspectual contrast between perfective and imperfective is found in many Slavic languages.
3. But the analysis in gestalt principles shows that imperfective progressive is its marked form, and it implies certain special meaning.
4. Further research was recommended on exploring the influence of L1 transfer, the acquisition of imperfective and theoretical explanations with different types of languages.
5. In our country, the main reason of restricting the efficiency function to bring into full play is the lack of the idea of procedural justice and the imperfective of the procedure laws themselves.
6. Because our country's sanitary system not good, the hospital's distributive system is imperfective.
7. Based on this definition, traditional active verb and stative verb can be classified as perfective and imperfective.
8. As a result, it is necessary to replace the traditional statistic model with nonlinear model that can deal with imperfective information in order to improve the quality of forecasting stock market.
9. The research reflects that the reasons of under-pricing are imperfective security market and the poor management and ownership structure of banking industry.
10. The harmful creditor's rights may emerge when environmental protection funds were invested because of the imperfective system.
More similar words: imperfectionperfectiveimperfectimperfectlyimperfect competitionimperfectnessimperfect marketosteogenesis imperfectaperfectionperfectingperfectibleto perfectionperfect competitionperfectionismperfectionistperfectibilitythe pink of perfectionPractice makes perfectperfectdefectiveinfectiveaffectiveeffectiveperfectononeffectiveeffective productionperfectlyperfecterperfectedineffective
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