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Iago in a sentence

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Sentence count:34Posted:2018-09-25Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: diagonalsantiagodiagonallydiagonal lineneisseria gonorrhoeaeviagratriagefoliageMeaning: n. the villain in William Shakespeare's tragedy who tricked Othello into murdering his wife. 
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31. Iago . Well, I may chance to see you; for I would very fain speak with you.
32. Iago . How do you, Cassio? O a chair, a chair!
33. Iago . What are you here that cry so grievously?
34. Iago . Do not weep, do not weep. Alas the day!
More similar words: diagonalsantiagodiagonallydiagonal lineneisseria gonorrhoeaeviagratriagefoliagediagramniagaracarriagediagraphverbiagemarriagediagnosefbi agentjean piagetdiagnosisdiagnosescarriagewayremarriagediagnosingdiagnosticdiagnosticsundiagnosedmisdiagnosevenn diagramdiagnosabletree diagramforce diagram
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