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Hiv in a sentence

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Sentence count:266+2Posted:2017-04-19Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: shiverarchivebeehivearchiveschivalryarchivistshiveringchivalrousMeaning: n. 1. infection by the human immunodeficiency virus 2. the virus that causes acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS); it replicates in and kills the helper T cells. 
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121) An experimental HIV vaccine has for the first time cut the risk of infection, researchers say.
122) War has destroyed health services in South Kivu and prevented local and international organisations from running HIV/AIDS sensitisation programmes in rural areas.
123) Once a woman has herpes, the risk of getting HIV is increased and other research studies have shown that when HSV-2 is present it increases the amount of HIV-1 in plasma and genital mucosa.
124) HIV patients around the world are put on a powerful drug cocktail that keeps the disease in check.
125) Results from chi-square tests indicated that HIV serostatus, age, an IDU partner, and condom use during the last sexual encounter were significantly different across the stages of condom use.
126) Scientists refute a longstanding theory of how HIV slowly depletes the body's capacity to fight infection.
127) HIV transmission interruption should be reinforced among single-HIV infected family in Henan.
128) Objective:To explore the reasons of perineural inflammation among heroin addicts with HIV infection.
129) An estimated forty percent of Swazi adults are infected with HIV.
130) Objective:To compare the characteristics of the one step and two steps ELISA(Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay) diagnostic kit in detecting of human immunodeficiency virus(HIV) antibodies.
131) You can find both prevention messages from HIV organisations and adverts for bareback movies in the same gay magazine.
132) A child under 15 years old is not necessary to have Serological Test for HIV or Syphilis.
133) The United States, one of the world's largest contributors to the fight against HIV/AIDS in developing countries, funds its efforts through the Obama administration's Global Health Initiative (GHI).
134) Francis Khama and Howard Maila, who are researching herbal remedies, say they have developed medicines to treat HIV/AIDS and believe more should be done to recognise potentially useful local remedies.
135) Said Zhang Linqi, HIV immune escape mechanism is more subtle, HIV infection is precisely the immune system fight the infection of immune cells.
136) Some of the medical conditions that don't apply to the policy include certain types of tumours, angina, non invasive skin cancer, lymphoma , Kaposi's sarcoma, and HIV.
137) We must state completely and unequivocally that HIV infection comes from four, and only four sources.
138) All employment decisions should be based exclusively on criteria relating to merit and fitness and have no reference to hepatitis B, hepatitis C, HIV infection or AIDS related illnesses.
139) Levels of knowledge of safer sex and HIV remain low in many countries,( as well as perceptions of personal risk.
140) However, some goals maybe more of struggler to reach. For example, stopping the continue spread HIV AIDS.
141) The Pap smear does not need to be repeated unless the patient is HIV positive.
142) Bionor does not plan to develop the vaccine to protect people from HIV, but as a way to give them a break from the AIDS drug cocktails called highly active antiretroviral therapy or HAART.
143) This is the website of the National Library of Medicine Specialized Information Services Division, which is HIV/AIDS topics in minority health.
144) In an article in the June issue of the Journal of Infectious Diseases, the authors suggest that treatment programmes should be coupled with HIV drug-resistance surveillance programmes.
145) Objective To incite the awareness of pneumocystis carinii pneumonia(PCP) in non-human immunodeficiency virus(HIV)infected patients.
146) There are three kinds of treatment drugs: the anti - HIV ones , immunoregulation ones and anti-infective ones.
147) In November,( German haematologist Gero Huetter announced that he had cured a man of HIV through a bone marrow transplant from a donor who had a genetic resistance to the virus.
148) Health care workers are also encouraged to make sure they are aware of their HIV status so that they can avoid putting themselves at risk of exposure.
149) The report, Towards universal access: scaling up priority HIV/AIDS interventions in the health sector, also points to other gains.
150) The goal is to get the CD4 count as close to normal as possible, and to suppress the HIV amount of virus in the blood to an undetectable level.
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