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Heated in a sentence

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Sentence count:289+19Posted:2017-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: overheatedheatertheatercheaterlatent heatseatedheat engineheat energyMeaning: ['hɪːtɪd]  adj. 1. made warm or hot (`het' is a dialectal variant of `heated') 2. marked by emotional heat; vehement. 
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(151) The mix forms a slurry which is rolled out and heated to remove water, then thickened into a solid strip.
(152) A stream of water is pumped into a hot reactor, where it boils and is heated to very high temperatures.
(153) Moving closer, Miles watched as strips of blubber were placed along with heated stones into canoes filled with water.
(154) One of its greatest distinctions is a heated indoor swimming pool with sauna.
(155) Twenty heated minutes later he collapsed on to his twin bed, and turned on the telly.
(156) Then we boiled it dutifully and heated our tins on the Calor gas stove in the kitchen.
(157) Heated tempers George and Helen have been married forty-five years.
(158) Witnesses have already given descriptions of the pair who were seen having what appeared to be a heated argument.
(159) It includes a heated swimming pool for the 220 pupils.
(160) Rune's whole body shivered as her cool palms moved spasmodically over his heated flesh.
(161) When calcium carbonate is heated it decomposes into calcium oxide and carbon dioxide.
(162) If you are using heated rollers, make sure they and your hair are completely cold before you remove them.
(163) Switching the fan overhead to full speed, Rachel unpacked, put everything in her heated wardrobe.
(164) Not necessarily fully air-conditioned and heated[sentencedict .com], but at least no longer open to the elements.
(165) The model 311 gas chromatograph is a self-contained unit with an isothermal oven, heated injector and detectors.
(166) Consequently, RSI is also becoming the subject of heated debate within the medical profession.
(167) Water is the only substance which can easily be seen passing into vapour when heated and becoming solid when cooled.
(168) There was heated debate, but by the casting vote of the chairman we got our grant.
(169) Try not to use heated rollers, styler or dryer every day.
(170) Then you can either blow dry or use heated rollers or tongs.
(171) If it had been properly heated it would slip on without any trouble.
(172) Add the tomato pur e and stir well until heated through.
(173) He has the ability to handle heated situations better than others.
(174) The object's surface is heated by radiation from the atmospheric shock front.
(175) Ordinary pasteurized milk is heated to 154 degrees for 15 seconds.
(176) When ready to serve(, reheat the soup to boiling point and pour into a heated tureen.
(177) Of course such an exercise generated a great deal of discussion, and heated argument.
(178) Yet as the debate heated up in the mid nineties, gay men witnessed a major national trend in this direction.
(179) The Sioux boiled buffalo meat with heated rocks in a buffalo paunch, then ate the paunch, too.
(180) He had heard a heated exchange between Day and William Tidbury while they were in custody at Newbury.
More similar words: overheatedheatertheatercheaterlatent heatseatedheat engineheat energytreatedmovie theateramphitheaternauseateddefeatedpermeatedrepeatedbe seateduncreatedretreateduntreatedmistreatedill-treateddelineatedrepeatedlyheatwheatcheatheathersheathsheatheheath
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