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Hated in a sentence

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Sentence count:241+17Posted:2017-06-21Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: hategranted thatchateauhatefulwhateverphosphatealpha testcaliphateMeaning: [heɪt]  adj. treated with contempt. 
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151. Tony hated science when he was at school because he wasn't any good at it.
152. He hated her and he hated himself for not having the courage to tell her.
153. I was angry and embarrassed in equal measure and hated them.
154. She must have hated him for what he had done to her.
155. He hated playing agony aunt but he couldn't afford to have Hirschfeldt falling to pieces.
156. My admiration for them was boundless and while I hated them sometimes, I never disliked them.
157. He was a most difficult man, and yet she hated him to think so ill of her.
158. They hated the emotions they experienced: I had a person working for me who had no business being a sales rep.
159. Catriona decided not to mention that she hated cigarette smoke.
160. She hated being the centre of attention, but at least it would serve to stir up an interest in her business.
161. She was in a bad way and I hated doing it, but I had to.
162. At such times l thought their laughter callous and hated them.
163. She hated going to the Refuge and she dreaded letting Clare know that.
164. Her big manly husband - at this moment she hated him.
165. For one thing, he came out and said he hated funk(, a Peppers mainstay.
166. To add to that, he hated her for what he thought she was doing to his sister.
167. She hated the thought that he must become a separate, uncomfortable metabolism cursed with effort and choice.
168. She hated that demonic air of self-assurance that went with him.
169. Most important of all, it put him beyond the law. Above all else[], Ellwood hated weakness.
170. For Mr Robins, Inge felt the beginnings of a schoolgirl crush and hated him when he did not take her side.
171. They both hated orthodoxies and bandwagons, catch-phrases and rallying cries.
172. A few men wore evening dress, but many more were in the hated grey-green uniform.
173. He exhibited high intelligence, had an exceptional memory, but was unpopular and solitary because he hated games.
174. If there was one thing that he hated fervently it was affectation and cant.
175. Sharpe, who hated dancing, smiled at the thought, then turned and spurred the horse towards home.
176. I hated seeing her all cuddled up with the baboon.
177. But she hated having to compete when it was cold.
178. Colin hated the way he inspected the rag before folding the contents into the centre and forcing it into his trouser pocket.
179. Item - Gaveston had hated Lady Eleanor, and he, so Corbett secretly believed, was capable of cold-blooded murder.
180. She would have hated it if she had to admit defeat, and crawl off to a hotel somewhere.
More similar words: hategranted thatchateauhatefulwhateverphosphatealpha testcaliphateto that endin that eventwhatever happensbatedfateddatedsatedseatedheatedcoatedelatedstatedplatedlocatedrelatedbelatededucateddonatedsedateddilatedoutdatedbloated
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