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Hand-wash in a sentence

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Sentence count:14Posted:2018-08-07Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: handwashwash-and-wearendwayslandwardwindwardbandwagonwax and wanesound waveMeaning: v. wash or launder by hand instead of with a machine. 
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1) These bras should be handwashed to help them keep their shape.
2) Anyway, which self-respecting rocker would handwash his originals?
3) Fortunately,( these transient flora are more effectively removed by handwashing than the resident flora.
4) Handwashing seems such a simple task but in fact is a subject of surprising contention among health professionals.
5) Which fabrics are most hand-wash friendly?
6) To clean the cloth, hand-wash it in warm water.
7) The washer/dryer: Could you hand-wash your clothes each day?
8) There are only a hand-wash basins materials, colours, shapes, and many other distinctions.
9) You can even add drops of hand-wash gel to the water and stir it, before dipping your hands in it.
10) Please hand-wash only with mild detergent and water, Lay flat to dry.
11) So I use the ordinary detergents that I keep in the cupboard for hand-washing and this works very well for me.
12) He also told her about his anxiety attacks and obsessive hand-washing.
13) Now, glass, metal, synthetic materials were used to produce hand-wash basins.
14) After presenting a few packaging concepts for the foam hand-wash three - pack, they hit it right off the bat.
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