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Fingernail in a sentence

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Sentence count:50Posted:2017-06-26Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: fingerring fingerfingeredforefingerfingerlikeindex fingerfingerprintmiddle fingerMeaning: n. the nail at the end of a finger. 
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31. "This, " she says, holding up a pale orange creatureabout the size of her fingernail, "is a pycnogonid, commonly called a seaspider."
32. An example would be scraping your fingernail across the table top to increase or decrease volume on your media player.
33. It takes about 150 days to grow out a full length fingernail.
34. He clipped off the few hairs of his spare beard with a fingernail clipper.
35. "On-screen I'm fighting a digital character," Astin says. "But off-screen I had wrist25 burns and fingernail scratches26!"
36. In young people, fingernail discoloration two most common clinical types actually are remotelateral subungual onychomycosis and white superficial onychomycosistype type onychomycosis onychomycosis.
37. Lastly, he draws completed hands and feet from multiple angles, covering the differences between male and female hands and subjects such as drawing claws, fingernail details and shoes.
38. Does fingernail surface appear be to owe those vitamins glossily?
39. The colour that metal of popular this year future feels, like scarab there is La Youzi to carry refrangible fingernail oil like housing special cruel become reconciled looks.
40. A sore ankle a ripped fingernail and plenty of missed shots.
41. If finger is selected,( remove fingernail polish with acetone or polish remover.
42. Guess how long is the longest fingernail in the world?
43. In fact, fingernail trauma and other hand injuries—no matter your hand size—are collectively the number one nuisance for spacewalkers.
44. "Having a chip the size of your fingernail that can deliver a terabit per second changes the way you can think about design," says Paniccia.
45. Depict the tail that gives a shooting star finally with the fingernail oil that contains big paillette , fu of bag of radian having a place is above fingernail can make the effect more apparent.
46. In young people, fingernail discoloration two most common clinical types are remotelateral subungual onychomycosis and white superficial onychomycosistype type onychomycosis onychomycosis.
47. The white part of your fingernail is called the lunula.
48. Objective : To observe the relationship between the fingernail colour and the photoplethysmogram.
49. As I turned on my side I noticed pieces of fingernail, bits of skin and hair on the lift carpet.
50. Through what fingernail does not have blood - vessel carry nutrient?
More similar words: fingerring fingerfingeredforefingerfingerlikeindex fingerfingerprintmiddle fingerlittle fingergreen fingerspoint the finger atdoornailjuggernautfloating exchange ratelingeringgingerlingersingerwingeralternatingmalingergingerlysnail mailporringerharbingermalingererdead ringerginger beerright-wingerwarmongering
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