Synonym: lackadaisical, languid, languorous, moony, woolgathering. Similar words: creamy, dream, dreamt, dreamer, dream up, dream of, daydream, dreaming. Meaning: ['driːmɪ] adj. 1. dreamy in mood or nature 2. lacking spirit or liveliness.
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61. With calm, dreamy, almost schizoid logic, she explains that her appearance will be important.
62. Especially " dreamy kill celestial being " be faced with " dream swims on the west " such strong opponent, more let perfect and spatiotemporal do not get cursorily .
63. My chilly lips then like a painter's pen kept stroking now touchingly now loomingly on her naked smooth skin, until her dreamy groans flooded my ears and thrilled my heart.
64. No dreamy airy-fairy world. Don't let them float about. Give them reality. They can be poets, but use real images like Blake did.
65. The changes would move the party away from the dreamy leftism that alienated many Japanese.
66. If you 'zone out', you mentally drift away from the place you are currently, and go off into empty, dreamy space.
67. From the direction of the pond came the dreamy strains of Lin Pei - shan's melancholy Romona.
68. This interactive work creates a mythic and dreamy atmosphere by the and shadows of the orchids.
69. Circumambulate the city of a dreamy Sabbath afternoon ( Herman Melville ).
70. All that afternoon he wore dreamy[], contemplative appearance which in him was a mask of perplexity.
71. You are more sensitive, impressionable, dreamy, or idealistic at this time also.
72. He said nothing, but continued to look down at her with a dreamy gentleness.
73. It was an intense relationship: Gates the workaholic code writer and competitor , Allen the dreamy visionary.
74. In meditation practice, you might experience a muddy, semiconscious, drifting state, like having a hood over your head: a dreamy dullness.
75. Bitter fleabane bitter fleabane that white gauze is dreamy, like in the fairy tale princess.
76. With their dreamy music scapes , intense vocal style and one of the best guitar players in China, Muma has written chapter and verse of what great indie rock in China is all about.
77. Light cherry color and peachblossom eye shadow, also be to model girl romance the dreamy color of downy eyes is.
77. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
78. She was once awakened, and for the time being , clinging , responsive, dreamy.
79. The practical Capricorn truly complements the dreamy Piscean! One looks at reality with a practical approach and the other sees a picture-perfect life.
80. Try giving a dreamy look at their mouth while they are talking and then roll up to the eyes - so very flirty !
81. In the Odyssey Homer tells of lotus - eaters who live in dreamy indolence.
82. Dreamy eyes and unkempt hair, What have you done to yourself.
More similar words: creamy, dream, dreamt, dreamer, dream up, dream of, daydream, dreaming, pipe dream, dreamlike, american dream, seamy, dread, cream, stream, scream, dreaded, dreadful, on stream, streamer, upstream, preamble, ice cream, ice-cream, readdress, jet stream, streaming, mind reader, streamline, gulf stream.