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Do away with in a sentence

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Sentence count:55+2Posted:2016-07-17Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: eliminateget rid ofSimilar words: play withcomply withkeep company withwithdrawalwithdo withwithoutwithinMeaning: v. terminate or take out. 
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31 Do away with the aging skin horniness, increase the blood circulation.
32 With these tools you can do away with alert() statements in JavaScript source code in favor of state-of-the-art debugging, inspection and modification.
33 New Treatments for your teeth should do away with the dentist's drill? no more cavities, no more pain!
34 Methods Make in the next the middle point of the type of T slice[], do away with the left side Occipital bone.
35 This will help do away with heavy manual labour and raise productivity.
36 StudyDroid doesn't do away with this time-tested system, but rids you of the need for pen and paper.
37 Have a user friendly database and do away with unwanted ambiguity.
38 You are horrified at our intending to do away with private property.
39 He wanted them to do away with this barbarous custom.
40 Normal coagulation aim to get rid of muddy degree, but enhanced coagulation can do away with not only but also organic matter, controlling coagulation condition to increase the rate of organic matter.
41 The existence of divergent national or regional standards can create technical barriers to trade, even when there is political agreement to do away with restrictive import quotas and the like.
42 Thorough skin first floor, do away with the anasarca skin to accumulate the water and toxins.
43 We should do away with all superstitions and emancipate the mind.
44 Noise cancelling headphones usually do away with low pitches. So the scientists designed a variation that a dentist could keep on hand.
45 Now the Divine law which is the law of grace, does not do away with human law which is the law of natural reason.
46 But one very generous CEO - for better or worse - has decided he would rather do away with the awkward chat altogether.
47 For his chilling managerial style, Vader had to weather a treasonous revolt from a handful of Imperial officers who tried to do away with the Dark Lord.
48 The device would allow surgeons to perform the procedure on the beating heart and do away with the need to stop the heart and place the patient on a heart-lung machine.
49 We must do away with the grandiose style of work.
50 These may completely change or do away with the landscape of string vacua or with the cascade of bubbles that populate the landscape.
51 The vice president wanna do away with Lincoln by fair means or foul.
52 In an effort to do away with the pagan festival, Pope Gelasius ordered a slight change in the lottery. Instead of the names of young women, the box would contain the names of saints.
53 The Party is determined to do away with all such rightist views!
54 Pundit opinion is near-unanimous that it is markets that are at fault and we must move towards more command-and-control, if not do away with capitalism altogether.
55 In the elite special forces you to go there to do away with a criminal group.
More similar words: play withcomply withkeep company withwithdrawalwithdo withwithoutwithingo withdown withdo withoutmeet withget on withdeal withlive withgo withoutcope withtalk withwith youngbear withwithdrawcome up withagree withalong withbegin withend up withtogether withput up within line withmeet up with
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