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Divorce lawyer in a sentence

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Sentence count:21Posted:2022-12-16Updated:2022-12-16
Similar words: defense lawyerdefense lawyersdivorcedivorceddivorceedivorced mandivorce courtdivorce fromMeaning: n. a lawyer specializing in actions for divorce or annulment. 
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1. I can only assume they're taking bungs from divorce lawyers.
2. A divorce lawyer must know prenuptial contracts.
3. "I'm a divorce lawyer," the man replies.
4. A divorce lawyer must prenuptial contracts.
5. For example a divorce lawyer must know all about marriage law and prenuptial contracts.
6. Everyone from De Beers to the divorce lawyer will squire couples through the process, taking their cut along the way.
7. According to Jeremy Morley, an international divorce lawyer based in New York, hiding assets from a spouse is also much easier in some countries than in others.
8. Leading divorce lawyer, Adam Witkover, of Bross Bennett Solicitors in London, says many women feel the rush of excitement after leaving their husbands.
9. A divorce lawyer said about 70 percent of couples divorce because of affairs. "Mostly it is the man.
10. "There's good news and bad news," the divorce lawyer told his client.
11. But Kerstin Beyer, a German-British divorce lawyer at the International Family Law Chambers in London, says the tables are often stacked against the poorer (and usually less knowledgable) spouse.
12. Susan: The wife hired the sleaziest, most unethical divorce lawyer in town.
13. He needs to speak to his divorce lawyer immediately about this defamation of character.
14. I expect you had to pay a fat fee to your divorce lawyers.
15. Marriage teeters on the line between a cooperative venture and a form of mutual exploitation-ask any divorce lawyer.
15. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
16. So far, more than 60 have been sold -- a snip at 125 pounds for a half hour session with a divorce lawyer.
17. I was also advised of the possibility of a need of a divorce lawyer.
18. Your former daughter-in-law obviously needs to assuage her guilt by making your son the villain . He needs to speak to his divorce lawyer immediately about this defamation of character.
19. But practically speaking, a prenuptial agreement does save a lot of time and disputes in court," Shanghai divorce lawyer Mike Liang said.
20. I'm convinced that many married couples could avoid spending time with a divorce lawyer if they spent a little more time with a mattress salesman or a personal trainer.
21. Carolina:I'm very grateful to you for agreeing to help with my article on divorce. I know what a busy divorce lawyer you are.
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