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Dam in a sentence

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Sentence count:295+20Posted:2016-07-21Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: dam updecameterdecametredekameterdekametredikedkmdykeSimilar words: damndamagedampingfundamentalMeaning: [dæm]  n. 1. a barrier constructed to contain the flow of water or to keep out the sea 2. a metric unit of length equal to ten meters 3. female parent of an animal especially domestic livestock. v. obstruct with, or as if with, a dam. 
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271. Finally, using the the analysis of water balance method to study the leakage of reservoir water, get the leakage coefficient of rubber dam in the reservoir area.
272. Aswan Dam harnessed ( the waters of ) the Nile.
273. In order to accuracy reactor the stress characteristics of the multi-arch dam, stress of the Pingqiao multi-arch dam are analyzed by using independent arch method and ANSYS in this paper.
274. The failure probability of a high arc dam is given.
275. The synergistic chromogenic reaction of Nb(V) with both bromopyrogallol red(BPR) and diantipyrylmethane(DAM) in the presence of polyvinyl alcohol(PVA) is studied.
276. Failure probability calculation is what the large dam risk evaluation is based on.
277. The stability of dam abutment should has a direct relation to failure-free operation and security of projects, and security of downstream people's life and property as well.
278. In our country there are a great many large , medium and minitype reservoirs and dams have safety problems of different degree, especially do the earth-rockfill dam.
279. The reservoir is an article of property first, the assets of reservoir include certain waters, and structural member such as dam(, dike and water gate.
280. The law of observed water level change in piezometric tube is analyzed in this paper. Furthermore, the stability of soil core wall dam on the unsteady seepage is studied.
281. The clear water I, II, III are recycled in the subsequent production flow. The ore is used for constructing dam. The filter residues are removed for dry stack or burned for building bricks.
282. Sometime before the Second Battle of Hoover Dam, the Caesar's Legion has conquered a new tribe under the command of centurion Gaius Magnus, bringing the number to 87.
283. The left bank and riverbed water retaining dam of Kangyang hydropower station is a dam with inclined loam core.
284. The effect of top tightener, material and preheating temperature for the side dam on the process stability and the strip surface quality was mainly investigated.
285. A proposed hydroelectric dam on the Madeira river (a tributary of the Amazon) was denounced, and the country's new oil find claimed for its people.
286. Jinping High Arch Dam is the highest double - curvature thin arch dam in the world at present.
286. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
287. The process actually began long before they were whelped, when in planning the breeding you considered the characteristics of the sire and dam and their parents, siblings, and other relatives.
288. The deformation properties of core gravelly soil of the Nuozhadu high rockfill dam are studied by using medium-scale triaxial tests and the field loading tests.
289. The reservoir dam crest super elevation is important factor which decided reservoir running safety and engineering investment.
290. Floatable arch cofferdam is presented to offer dry environment and keep the main function of a reservoir when the dam is strengthening and repairing.
291. Who, for gods sake is the commanding general of the enemy in this dam war.
292. But according to the monitoring information of longitudinal seams, there lies longitudinal seams opening in varying degrees, especially in flood discharge dam part.
293. The measurement of actual works also explained that the use of compound geotextile in rock fill dam surface can reduce the amount of leakage water by 60%, the effects of imperviousness are obvious.
294. An application of three dimensional photoelastic stress analysis in a dam with drains for floatage at the Three Gorges Project is described.
295. The stress-deformation behavior of diaphragm walls of concrete face rockfill dam built on thick alluvium deposit was analyzed using the numerical analysis method.
More similar words: damndamagedampingfundamental
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