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Cue in a sentence

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Sentence count:209+7Posted:2016-07-23Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: cluehintkeyleadsignalSimilar words: rescueMeaning: [kjuː]  n. 1. an actor's line that immediately precedes and serves as a reminder for some action or speech 2. evidence that helps to solve a problem 3. a stimulus that provides information about what to do 4. sports implement consisting of a tapering rod used to strike a cue ball in pool or billiards. v. assist (somebody acting or reciting) by suggesting the next words of something forgotten or imperfectly learned. 
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31 I was just wondering where Sarah was, when, right on cue, she came in.
32 She stood in the wings and waited for her cue to go on.
33 Investors are taking their cue from the big banks and selling sterling.
34 'Where is that boy?' As if on cue, Simon appeared in the doorway.
35 I was in the wings waiting for my cue to come on stage.
36 He said she would be back very soon and, right on cue, she walked in.
37 Public anniversaries normally provided the cue for unrest.
38 Well, he took my cue.
39 We take our cue from our leaders.
40 Some simply take their cue from their neighbours.
41 Likewise with the convenience of a Cue Cat.
42 Body language is probably the most important visual cue.
43 The Republican crowd booed on cue.
44 The woman takes her cue from the guy eventually.
45 The sky, as if on cue, was overcast.
46 Cue for another collective Washington sneer at Los Angeles.
47 Or a cue for something he could say himself.
48 This will cue the waiter to refill it.
49 And, as if on cue, I did.
50 The boys slashed, jumped, and shouted with enthusiasm and on cue.
51 The curtain opened again, as if on cue, and Squirt came up behind Mulcahey with a hand mirror.
52 It takes a trained and sensitive therapist to cue in to your personal needs.
53 The composer's cue was clear: Britten even gets his music out of the way at each dramatic turn.
54 This should prevent certain other locations, like the chair in front of the television, becoming a cue to start eating. 3.
55 Schools clothing grant giro, my medical card, fishing rods, my son's snooker cue all stolen.
56 The sound track gives us the aural before the visual cue; it is as if the thunder arrives before the lightning.
57 That was the cue for Spartak to post the warning signals with a series of slick attacks.
58 Right on cue, a butterfly flew up to the plants we were looking at and landed!
59 I took my cue from her, surviving the eulogy by neatly disconnecting myself from what was said.
60 It is time for us to take our cue from Buku khan and tackle the linguistic landscape of the Tarim Basin.
More similar words: rescue
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