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Computative in a sentence

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Sentence count:20Posted:2024-09-01Updated:2024-09-01
Similar words: computationcomputationalcomputationallycomputational complexitycomputation timeputativecomputation speedanalog computation
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1. Computative program of mean and standard deviation.
2. The corrective performance computative formulas are given.
3. The computative results approach the test results of cascade.
4. Statistical estimation is computative be already economy scientific important method.
5. From this computative , when they live to be 70 years old, there is time of about 76 days in lifetime, be used on the kiss entirely.
6. Correlative results and computative results are a very close approximation to experimental datas.
7. Conclusions Computative iodine intake between breast feeding infants and their lactating mothers can evaluate their iodine nutrition.
7. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
8. With the financial data 2008 computative , if finish, transfer smoothly, netease is in operation " demon animal world " later will exceed royal.
9. Computative program of isotopic abundances and average atomic weights of elements.
10. The goal is to avoid incurring the computative cost of running the query every time the backing bean accessor is consulted.
11. The concepts and the computative measures of time and regional ecological indices were put forward.
12. The computative results show that the mass of core obtained according to the virial equilibrium of the dark molecular cloud is larger than one according to the LTE.
13. A brief introduction to the use of trace elements in additives is given, and the computative principle and methods for trace elements addition in animal feed are explained.
14. First, in this article[], the mathematical model of the experiment for the three-dimensional oil film and the computative formulas of the dynamic characteristic coefficients were deduced.
15. Pass example imitate decision-making test and verify, value of actual and optimal quote all is in computative limits extraction a cost, and corresponding probability is higher.
16. Based on experimental data, through dimensional analysis of the influence factors of channelling flow, put forward the computative formula for velocities along axis after channelling.
17. If be its rise and fall to fall, draw on one piece of graph, slightly computative can see, .
18. This paper introduces four methods for measuring the circular radius on the universal tool maker's microscope and its application, also provides the computative formulations.
19. The ordinary numerical integration method has only been adopted for the analysis of the stability of steel members so far due to its limitations of handling technology and its slow computative speed.
20. According to the date of production that electric equipment tags, the time that computative and electric equipment has used.
More similar words: computationcomputationalcomputationallycomputational complexitycomputation timeputativecomputation speedanalog computationmatrix computationmanual computationcomputational modelchecking computationcomputational methodcomputational processnumerical computationmathematical computationcomputational mathematicsscientific computationcomputational accuracycomputational chemistrycomputational linguisticscomputational efficiencyComputational Fluid Dynamicsamputationimputationmutativecommutativeamputatecomputableincomputable
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