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Compiling in a sentence

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Sentence count:160+3Posted:2017-08-28Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: pilingcompilecompilationfrom pillar to postchompingspillingailingtoilingMeaning: [kəm'paɪl]  n. the act of compiling (as into a single book or file or list). 
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(121) The paper tries to discuss new thoughts and methods of urban master planning compiling on the basis of existing theory and practice of planning, and the social and economic background.
(122) Network planning software based on PERT technology is a new kind of project management software developed for compiling schedules for projects.
(123) According to their relationship, the method and steps of compiling construction budget are thoroughly elaborated.
(124) This list doesn't reflect all of the dependencies needed by Tapestry, but it's the dependency set needed for compiling basic Tapestry applications.
(125) The interested user is encouraged to refer to " Guide for Compiling a Comprehensive Emission Inventory ".
(126) The presented method has good generality and expandability . It also supports concurrent compiling by further development.
(127) And then,( the BL program is processed by using an efficient and well considered compiling system so as to carry out the acquisition of book knowledge.
(128) A study on court poem development is of help to the research on the compiling time of New Odes from ...
(129) Compiling Committee of Records of China Bays, 1994. Records of China Bays 7th Fascicule (The bays in northern part of Fujian). Beijing:Ocean Press (In Chinese).
(130) Finally, concepts such as ordinary compiling, self-compiling, bootstrap structure, macro structure and hierarchical structure are discussed with the formal deductive system given in this paper.
(131) COSCO Group's three-year experience in compiling the Report provides us with an operable, evaluable and effective model.
(132) For simplicity, we will refer to the process of pre-parsing a schema and building an internal representation of the schema as compiling the schema.
(133) Compiling computer program is an irksome task to one who is not apt at logical thinking.
(134) The application of push-down accounting in independent financial statement in emerged enterprises can simplify the compiling of the statement and help information users to understand it.
(135) The teacher went to the trouble of compiling a handbook for the students.
(136) Thus axiomatic method is often adopted by people while writing law works or compiling codes.
(137) By compiling the NC program and matching the cutter location data of the twin turrets according to their machining time[], the simulation machining driving data were generated.
(138) The stowage planner is compiling the loading plan. Please wait a moment.
(139) They were able to work together on the same exercise, which involved compiling, executing, and debugging a COBOL program using the mainframe and traditional partitioned data sets (PDS).
(140) I have been fully occupied in compiling this book these days.
(141) Compiling the Java code and producing a JAR file that you load into WSRR as a configuration item is straightforward using the command line Java tools javac and jar.
(142) Our country has set about budget reform since 1999, and tried compiling departmental budget, which has got good results.
(143) This book is oriented towards so - called syntax - directed methods of compiling.
(144) CREATE establishes the beginning of a contiguous region of data space, whose starting address is returned by the CREATEd definition. This region is terminated by compiling the next definition.
(145) This paper inquires into the contents and method for compiling the general cost estimation for foreign -financed port construction projects.
(146) The compiling mechanism of the software is the building of the basic figure of a modern urban residential area, and with these basic figures, the plan of residential area can be drawn.
(147) Some questions is present in practice both highway basic Construction Project Investment Estimation Compiling Method and Highway Project Evaluation Index. Therefore, this paper issues personal view.
(148) In granting contracts stage, compiling the bidding documents and drawing up contract clauses by employer unilaterally causes the contract provisions not to be fair.
(149) This brings little overhead for compiling, but gives an optimal access plan.
(150) Modularization was adopted for microcomputer software compiling so that the compiling of the software was easy and simple.
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