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Cleveland in a sentence

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Sentence count:225Posted:2018-01-30Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: grover clevelandhigh-level languagefranklin delano rooseveltlevela levelcleverlevel offlevel outMeaning: n. 1. the largest city in Ohio; located in northeastern Ohio on Lake Erie; a major Great Lakes port 2. 22nd and 24th President of the United States (1837-1908). 
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151 President Grover Cleveland signed a bill in 1894 making Labor Day a national holiday.
152 Cleveland avoided a holdout by Thomas, the highest selected player to come to terms this summer.
153 They're here for one thing: to get a Championship to Cleveland.
154 Cleveland Cavaliers: Joe Smith, Wally Szczerbiak Anderson Varejao, Lorenzen Wright.
155 President Cleveland wanted to return to the gold standard, too. To do this, he had to urge Congress to kill a law which forced the government to buy silver.
156 SANDRA ENDO, CNN CORRESPONDENT: One last cry to rally the troops. President Obama was on the campaign trail trying to get out the vote in Cleveland.
157 Michael Ryan, curator of vertebrate paleontology for the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, published the discovery in this month's Journal of Paleontology.
158 Opponents of the treaty included former President Cleveland, industrialist Andrew Carnegie, labor leader Samuel Gompers, writer Mark Twain, and others.
159 Some models had white roofs with matching white insets on the front fender, previewing the men's haberdashery white belt/white shoes look that became known as the "Full Cleveland."
160 The upper balcony of the monument provides a view of the Cleveland skyline and Lake Erie.
161 But the struggles of Chicago ( 8 - 13 ) and Cleveland ( 10 - 14 ) have been surprising.
162 For instance, on one occasion the four unfortunate words, "Rum, Romanism and Rebellion " used in a Republican campaign speech threw the Catholic vote and the presidential victory to Grover Cleveland.
163 RAY FREEMAN: Former President Cleveland had been troubled by the extra money in the federal treasury.
164 CLEVELAND -- They have looked like a juggernaut a dynasty in the making.
165 The girl came into the suite with uncertain steps , peering from Cleveland to Madeline.
166 Monte Carlo to Mexico City; Calgary to Cleveland have been astounded by his work.
167 And Stephen Grover Cleveland,( Thomas Woodrow Wilson and John Calvin Coolidge dropped their first names.
168 RAY FREEMAN: Grover Cleveland had mixed feelings about his defeat. He wanted to win, because he believed his policies were best for the country.
169 And farmers lost their farms. President Cleveland believed the depression was caused by the government's money policy.
170 Shin-Soo Choo came over in a trade with Cleveland and addresses Cincinnati's gaping hole at the leadoff spot.
171 A city of northeast Ohio, a suburb of Cleveland on Lake Erie. Population, 7, 000.
172 After that, the Lakers head to Cleveland for a Sunday matchup with LeBronand the Cavaliers.
173 Obesity: Since childhood, Grover Cleveland was a bit tubbier than average,( and his weight problem stuck with him into adult age.
174 Finally, President Grover Cleveland asked the United States Congress to appoint a committee to decide the border.
175 A city of northern Ohio west-southwest of Cleveland. Settled in 87, it is an industrial center. Population, 5', 74'.
176 Among the disputed calls was an out-of-bounds call that went to Cleveland midway through the second overtime with the Cavaliers leading, 97-96.
177 A city of northeast Ohio on Lake Erie . A port of entry and industrial center, the city was laid out in 1796 by Moses Cleveland (1754-1806). Population, 505,616.
178 On Oct. 28, 1886, the Statue of Liberty, a gift from the people of France, was dedicated in New York Harbor by President Grover Cleveland.
179 Industrial waste burned on the surface of Lake Erie near Cleveland in 1970.
180 History has no record of Grover Cleveland and Grover Cleveland ever sitting down together.
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