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Cleanser in a sentence

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Sentence count:66+2Posted:2017-05-28Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: cleansecleansingethnic cleansingcleancleanupclean outclean upuncleanMeaning: ['klenzə]  n. a preparation used in cleaning something. 
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31. Cleansing method: To wipe up or extract with cloth, abrasive paper or cleanser.
32. An ideal cleanser for all skin types with fresh clean scent.
33. Ingredient: Ginkgo, Tanshinone, Honeysuckle, Azaleas and Aloes Extract, Amino Acid Cleanser Factor.
34. A commercial degreaser or cleanser may be used to clean off machining oils or coolants.
35. Do not use Neutrogena Wave power - cleanser without foaming pads included.
36. It could be trisodium phosphate (a cleanser), monosodium phosphate (a laxative), or disodium hydrogen phosphate [11].
37. Wipe the dust from the plastic - cover weth clean soft - cloth, avoid using cleanser.
38. The usage of STPP in the cleanser has become a environmental pollution all over the world.
39. This effective, yet gentle cream cleanser deep cleans without over - irritating your skin.
40. Albolene Moisturizing Cleanser liquifies on contact with your skin to gently and thoroughly dissolve makeup, dirt, and even mascara.
41. Treatment with acid solution cleaning or the printing version cleanser.
42. Cleanse face and neck with a cleanser of your choice. Apply a drop of rose serum on finger tip then gently pat and press onto your face, throat and decollete .
43. This kind of facial cleanser can constringe and clean the pores of face.
44. I exfoliate once a week and in between, use it as a cleanser and moisturizer.
45. I personally question the whole germ theory myself, as does Stanley Burroughs in his book the Master Cleanser .
46. A gentle cleanser to refresh and moisturise Baby's hair and skin.
47. Lavender Cleanser is the latest addition to our popular Organic Tube Range.
48. Rich in Safflower oil, this gentle, lightly foaming cleanser is perfect for even the driest and most sensitive complexion.
49. It is a natural antibiotic and cleanser rich in bioflavonoids. The active ingredients of ginkgo leaf improve circulation and vasodilation.
50. Richly foaming facial cleanser that soother and hydrates with lemon juice, rose hydrosol, green tea and calendula.
51. Smooth on Albolene Moisturizing Cleanser, tissue off and see how much cleaner and softer your skin can be.
52. I'm going to purchase the cleanser from the dry skin line too.
53. Sodium Palmate (Palm Oil): Gentle skin cleanser. A surfactant, also acts as an emulsifying agent.
54. Ingredient: Deep sea cleanser gene, natural willow extraction, bee gel extraction, corn mint and herbs extraction.
55. Cleanser and protective glue cycles automatically, washing the gumming roller automatically.
56. And wherever possible, avoid using commercial soap since this can be very drying and instead use a cleanser with gentle, natural ingredients.
57. Content: Rose essential oil, Herb cleanser, high effective moisture gene, Grape seed essence, VA.
58. If your skin is ultra dry, then she suggests washing with a soapless rinse-off cleanser that's mild and moisturizing.
59. A cleanser can be anything from mild soap, a gentle exfoliate , cleansing cream or foaming cleanser.
60. This product is a kind of strong stain cleanser, which can quickly remove the scale, rust, coffea stain, tea stain etc. on the fabric.
More similar words: cleansecleansingethnic cleansingcleancleanupclean outclean upuncleancome cleanclean housedry cleanercleanlinessvacuum cleaneruncleanlinessmediterranean seamake a clean breastmeansjeansleangleanlean onclearinsertcenserexpanseleanedEleanorcleaveleaningboolean
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  • Ella 2023-02-28 15:03:30
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  • Felipe 2023-02-24 13:37:24
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  • Hernando 2023-02-24 01:23:16
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  • Angelita 2023-02-23 19:24:38
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  • Gloria 2023-02-23 14:31:56
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