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Cervical in a sentence

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Sentence count:258Posted:2017-06-25Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: servicecervixservicesdisservicewire serviceroom serviceservice lifecivil serviceMeaning: [sɜː'vaɪkl]  adj. 1. of or relating to the cervix of the uterus 2. relating to or associated with the neck. 
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121. Objective To observe the relationship between laryngopharyngitis and Cervical spondylosis and the function of short ultrasonic wave in treating cervical spondylitis.
122. Describes 3D reconstruction segmentation display and the analysis results of pollen spore, chaperonin , head, cervical bone, cannon born and carpus.
123. Conclusion It is considered that cervical approach is safe and efficacious for extirpation of parapharyngeal space neoplasms, while oral approach is effective for minority.
124. Results. Workers with neck pain had reduced rotation range and increased activity of the superficial cervical flexors during the craniocervical flexion test.
125. Methods The clinical character, diagnosis and treatment of badly necrotic pyogenic infection in cervical part with pneumatosis of vomica of 46 cases were investigated retrospectively.
126. Objective To summarize the efficacy of nape-aligned acupuncture for treating vertebral artery-type cervical spondylopathy .
127. Objective:To study the pathology of tissue adjacent to herniated cervical disc in patients with cervical spondylosis, and its clinical meanings.
128. Cervical smear recognition system bases on neural network is designed and developed. The system can be used to merge, classify and standardize files of the cell feature parameters automatically.
129. Result:The biomechanical function of cervical sample fixed with CUFS was similar to the normal sample.
130. The cervical fascial spaces surrounding the viscera below the hyoid bone of 36 male adult cadavers were investigated by serial sections and injection methods.
131. Objective:To study the clinical significance of radioactive nephrogram in cervical cancer patients.
132. Medio-Iaterally, the cervical projecting cells were located chiefly at the junctional area between the gracile and medial cuneate nuclei and at the ventromedial part of the latter.
132. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
133. Most chordomas are found at skull base, sacrum and cervical spine.
134. Objective To investigate the antitumor effect and mechanism of quercetin on murine cervical carcinoma U 14.
135. Objective: To study features of cervical lymph node metastasis and application of neck dissection in surgical treatment of supraglottic carcinoma.
136. A cervical cap is made of thin, soft rubber and is smaller than diaphragms , but also available in several types and sizes.
137. Stellate ganglion belongs to sympathetic ganglion, which locates in the lower cervical sympathetic trunk.
138. Isolation of Mycobacterium bovis from human cases of cervical adenitis in Tanzania: a cause for concern?
139. Objective: To evaluate the efficiency of cytologic examination of cervical smear combined with biopsy under colposcopy in diagnosis of cervical squamous intraepithelial lesions.
140. Objective To investigate the value of multislice spiral CT in evaluating the parametrial invasion of cervical carcinoma.
141. Objective To determine the value of frozen section examination of cervical margin during cold knife conization.
142. The clinical local pathological findings of cervical rib syndrome were the cervical rib, abnormal scalenus and their compression on the brachial plexus.
143. Objective:To compare the effectiveness of oral and vaginal misoprostol for cervical dilatation prior to vacuum aspiration termination of early pregnancy.
144. Objective:To explore anatomic features and clinical significance of the rami communicans between cervical sympathetic trunk(CST) and brachial plexus(BP).
145. Epidemiologic features and correlation factors were compared and analyzed between cervical and trochanteric hip fractures.
146. Purpose: To determine the correlation between VBAI and TCD 、 cervical transverse foramen.
147. Objective To evaluate the effectiveness and safety of the cervical threaded fusion cages of EH composite type (EHTFC).
148. Conclusion: For choosing IUI timing, the urinary LH and the vaginal ultrasound follicular scanning are important indicators; while cervical scoring(, the menstrual cycle and the BBT be of assistance.
149. Methods Application of oral Sibelium capsules, intravenous Salviae Miltiorrhizae Composita injection, with cervical traction, comprehensive treatment approach bonesetting manipulation.
150. If the cervical spine is neutral to lordosis then the laminoplasty procedure for multilevel disease is preferred.
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