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Home > Cc. in a sentence

Cc. in a sentence

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Sentence count:12Posted:2018-07-30Updated:2020-07-24
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1. The latest 500 cc road bike easily outclasses all the competition.
2. I want 0 . 5 cc. of tetanus toxoid.
3. Gold leather shoes with signature CC.
4. A plastic bag containing 500 cc. of blood occupied in the refrigerator only half the space of a bottle holding the same amount.
5. The chemist sucked up 20 cc. of acetic acid into a pipette.
6. Weng XZ, Chung HL, Hou CC. A new antigen used in complement fixation test for diagnosis of schistosomiasis. Natl Med J China, 1955, 41:329-331.
7. Conclusion The patients of hirsute decreased the activity of treatment with CC.
8. Let's assume that an average Boskop brain was around 1, 750 cc.
9. The activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD) and nitratase (NR) in leaves increased with increasing of concentrations of CC.
10. There was lots of organelle, such as rib somes, mitochondria in companion cell during the mature stage of SE. Also the plasmodesmata appeared in cell wall between SE and CC.
10. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
11. The development of the sieve element (SE) of meta-phloem is the same as the company cell (CC) in pedicel central vascular bundles of rice. First, the vacuolation of cytoplasm increases in SE and CC.
12. This paper describes the separation and determination of Nitrobenzaldehyde by PEG—20M packed column CC. The selections of column solvent and internal standard are discussed.
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