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Caky in a sentence

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Sentence count:14Posted:2018-08-12Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: lakypeakyflakyleakyshakysnakysneakycreaky
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1. Caky peanut residue is good fertilizer for plant growth.
2. The building is caky music.
3. But when temperature is exorbitant, meet already caky protein, make stodgy, also can have damage at seafood delicate.
4. Gorge is many and adipose food, caky sex of blood is met heighten, cause coronary artery thrombosis easily.
5. Sometimes the blood inside antrum antrum is caky and form thrombus, thrombus but stone of vein of calcic melt into.
6. Put a caky statue made by animal fat in a place with big temperature difference between day and night. Solid at night and melt at day.
7. For example in some organ, will blood is caky all round its, give birth to a bump, if things go on like this can fall ill.
8. It features high drying speed, strong evaporation strength, high quality, etc. for paste material such as dehydrated filtering caky, it can be dried after granulated too.
9. A piglet specimen standing in a bathtub, whose four legs are covered by the caky lard in it.
10. Accordingly, when dining with this kind of chopstick, 2 oxidation sulfur flows as airy very easy and caky to respiratory tract, cause the disease such as cough, asthma.
11. Conduce to the success of replantation of severed limb, can stop cut blood premature and caky.
12. Actually, expire the milk of ache slightly can be become the substitute of olefin, caky milk is classy olefin
13. C takes the advantage of heat to pour fluid shape lipstick into container, wait for its to put cool caky can.
14. Additional, put salt not prematurely, the moisture that salt can make be contained in the flesh very tantivy comes out, what also can accelerate protein is caky, affect the little taste of soup.
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