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Beef in a sentence

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Sentence count:275+23Posted:2016-07-20Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: beef cattlebellyachebitchboeufcrabgripegrousehollerkicksquawkSimilar words: free fromtake effectthe greenhouse effectMeaning: [biːf]  n. 1. cattle that are reared for their meat 2. meat from an adult domestic bovine 3. informal terms for objecting. v. complain. 
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211) I was going to tell her about proper beef stock, but the girl has to walk before she can run.
212) Heat the oil in a heavy-bottomed pan and add the beef.
213) But this decision irritated me so much that I almost started eating beef again in protest.
214) We're getting food like corn beef milk and flour and dividing into packages and taking into inaccessible places.
215) Saute in a separate pan the salt pork and onions. Drain off fat and add onions to simmering beef.
216) Add carrots and saute 1 minute. Add beef and mushrooms and saute about 4 minutes.
217) Human waste fed to cattle could perpetuate these parasites,( some of which are picked up by humans from poorly cooked beef.
218) Marchello said ostrich meat tastes like beef, is comparable in protein, but lower in fat, calories and cholesterol.
219) But a little beef now and then can easily fit in a well-balanced diet.
220) Five-Peppered Beef in a salad of broccoli with cherry tomatoes.
221) Makes 6 to 8 servings. Good with beef or ham.
222) Hamburger is chopped fresh and / or frozen beef with or without added beef fat as such and / or seasoning.
223) The beef industry has been in the doldrums ever since consumers began to turn away from eating red meat.
224) The work aspect was never important - the breeders continued to concentrate on beef and the policy has since paid great dividends.
225) The government agency withdrew facilities for 160 centres countrywide, because the beef they handled was deemed below the required level.
226) The calves grow quickly and can be taken to substantial weights without becoming too fat, providing prime beef.
227) Mr. Curry I agree with my hon. Friend that beef production is particularly important in the less-favoured areas.
228) The Spurs chief is determined to beef up his midfield following the departures of Stewart and Paul Gascoigne.
229) Black beans are used extensively in Cantonese cookery and are usually served with fish or beef.
230) With sudden resolve she began to prepare a beef goulash for dinner.
231) Henry's punishment was a cold beef sandwich and two slices of cake.
232) At ten o'clock she gave him beef tea and brandy.
233) Lunch Half of the 8-oz. tin of shoulder ham or corned beef left over from Monday.
234) Villagers stole cattle for beef, for a ransom payment, or in some cases for ploughing or local sale.
235) She kept feeding Hansel huge portions of roast beef and potatoes to make him fat and juicy.
236) However, it has been replaced by Friesians for milk and is now bred more for beef.
237) Make several deep incisions in the beef fillet using a small knife.
238) Since 1975 the consumption of beef has decreased from 89 pounds per capita to 76. 5 pounds per capita.
239) He turned the beef holding into a dairy farm and soon began expanding by leasing other dairy farms all over Ireland.
240) The traditional filling is a spicy mixture of minced lamb or beef, tomato and onion.
More similar words: free fromtake effectthe greenhouse effect
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