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Axes in a sentence

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Sentence count:183+1Posted:2017-04-08Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: axerelaxedget the axetax evasionhave an axe to grind
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(31) As prehistory, these are typically based on sequences ranging from palaeolithic stone axes through bronze age pottery to iron age swords.
(32) Forest Goblins wear exotic war paint, carry war axes and are often decorated with colourful feathers.
(33) This results in scattering minima along the crystallographic axes and maxima at intermediate axes.
(34) Can we use a shape difference measure to classify the axes into groups of similar types on the basis of their shapes?
(35) Their axes sounded loud in the long wood as they cut the timber for their cooking fires.
(36) When they returned each carried a handful of small axes.
(37) Because bond strengths may differ along the various crystallographic axes, hardness may also vary slightly in direction.
(38) A full rack should be taken and ice axes and crampons may be needed up to about August.
(39) Jade axes were being made by the Maoris in New Zealand, almost within living memory.
(40) They wore black masks and held what were meant to look like large axes, from medieval times.
(41) Rockboots and stone sliver axes give access to what turns into a classic mountain route.
(42) Most applications involve simultaneous stabilization on three orthogonal axes.
(43) Of human body in from which does axes arrive?
(44) The coordinate axes can be moved by rotating wheel.
(45) For example(, the axes of the topmost driver and the middle driver or of the bottommost driver and the middle driver may intersect at an angle 2. theta. in the azimuth plane.
(46) After the repair of axes in the world's best excircle slightly reduced, but its mechanical strength.
(47) In allusion to resultant milling of circumference distributing and circumgyratetion axes multi-angles surface,( design and application for drum of curve knife-Edge milling Jig was good for imitating.
(48) The crystal axes and the principal stress axes are obtained from the optical indicatrix axes manually by turning the projection diagram as usual.
(49) The method of automatic collimation of multispectral and multibeam axes—infrared, TV and lase axes is introduced in this paper.
(50) The axes of the first subarray are non coplanar with the axes of the second subarray.
(51) The men wielded picks and axes, chipping away at the hard-baked ground.
(52) Finally, the ombu tree , this tree is of Argentina, it is the world's toughest tree, this tree is able to survive axes, fire, storms and insect attacks, or any nasty disasters.
(53) The concise mathematical model for hobbing non circular gear is obtained from the group of equations with further simplification, and it is a 3 axes simultaneous control structure.
(54) Transparent surfaces, unhindered visual axes and long views produce an atmosphere of spaciousness.
(55) The average flow rate along the channel axes of the molten channel is in direct proportion to the magnetic flux density and in inverse proportion to the square root of the density of the molten metal.
(56) The results show that under the vertex electromagnetic field in channel, there exist the flow along the channel axes and the secondary circulation flow in the inlet and outlets of the channel.
(57) Datum – Datums are points, lines, planes, cylinders, axes, etc.
(58) YK2045 NC cylindroconical helix gear grinding machine is the first NC cylindroconical helix gear grinding machine of 5 axes linkage with 7 axes in our country.
(59) The results show that at any angle between axes of inclined swirl control valve and crank shift, flow coefficient and inclined swirl ratio increase gradually with increase of valve opening.
(60) The disposal of magnetic pole In order to decrease magnetic hysteresis loss , Magnetic poles are put along the axes of rotor and magnetic flux parallel the axes of rotor.
More similar words: axerelaxedget the axetax evasionhave an axe to grind
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