Antonym: asleep. Similar words: wake up, take away, away, aware, award, await, get away, in a way. Meaning: [ə'weɪk] v. stop sleeping. adj. 1. not in a state of sleep; completely conscious 2. not unconscious; especially having become conscious 3. (usually followed by `to') showing acute awareness; mentally perceptive.
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211. Some members of the audience were clearly having difficulty staying awake.
212. When they had a quarrel, it was always she who lay awake afterwards.
213. From somewhere in the lower regions of the house, laughter told Beth that Luther Reynolds was still awake.
214. In the intervening days Flora walked on air, or lay awake in her dormitory rehearsing the things she would tell Felix.
215. She lay motionless, utterly worn out by her exertions, yet at the same time ominously wide awake.
216. Will I be awake by the time I get back to the ward?
217. At four in the morning, in sheets clammy with sweat, she was still awake.
218. Nor did I complain when he kept me awake, twisting and turning, sighing and moaning.
219. She'd found the Man of her dreams, except she was still awake.
220. One set of figures shook me awake: Zorig had been right about the stacked deck.
221. He feels as if he is the only man awake in the entire world.
222. The shrill notes of the telephone, on Anna's bedside table, shocked them awake.
223. Ellen was determined to stay awake,( despite the late hour.
224. I learn from my own daughter that you don’t have to be awake to cry. Jodi Picoult
225. I've stopped drinking coffee in the evenings, as it tends to keep me awake at night.
226. The happiest part of a man's life is what he passes lying awake in bed in the morning. Samuel Johnson
227. It's my husband Deardrie - he keeps me awake at night, grinding his teeth!
228. Nutty lay awake in the small hours, worrying herself stupid.
229. I love sleep. My life has the tendency to fall apart when I'm awake, you know? Ernest Hemingway
230. I had to really fight to stay awake, I was so tired.
231. They keep us awake at night(, along with public-safety concerns.
232. The pipes in the attic gurgle in the night and keep me awake.
233. They won't allow us to see her until the anesthesia had worn off and she's fully awake.
234. I jolt awake with a bad taste in my mouth and my left eyelid stuck down again.
235. Shall he doubt whether he is awake, whether he is being pinched, or whether he is being burned?
236. She lay awake reaching her conclusions, mentally switching the light on and off, until she began to see other things.
237. Sleeping is no mean art: for its sake one must stay awake all day. Friedrich Nietzsche
238. The adults would take turns staying awake and fanning those sleeping, but this made little difference.
239. So for those of you who are still awake, she comes from Montreal.
240. Michelle was also still awake, uncurtained windows admitting the light of September's last moon.
More similar words: wake up, take away, away, aware, award, await, get away, in a way, put away, pass away, die away, fall away, back away, far and away, fade away, away from, give away, keep away, turn away, cast away, awaiting, awareness, right away, break away, be aware of, clear away, throw away, do away with, withdrawal, make.