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Avocational in a sentence

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Sentence count:6Posted:2018-07-13Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: vocational educationvocationalvocationallyvocational schoolvocational programavocationvocational guidancevocational trainingMeaning: adj. of or involved in an avocation. 
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1. You might call it an avocational hazard.
2. They must also be taxpayers, have obtained avocational qualification at medium or high levels, have never violated family planning policies, and have clean credit and no criminal record.
3. As far as avocational hobby is concerned, Jennifer and her sister have almost nothing in common.
4. On balance, technology is letting people link up with more and more people who share a vocational or avocational interest.
5. The reform of geographic education is an urgent responsibility for the department of geography in normal universities. It is related to many aspects of avocational reform.
6. People spent less time with their few inherited affiliations — kin and neighbors — and more time with affiliations that reflected vocational or avocational choices.
More similar words: vocational educationvocationalvocationallyvocational schoolvocational programavocationvocational guidancevocational trainingvocationevocationinvocationrevocationprovocationconvocationequivocationeducational institutioneducationaleducationallycoeducationaleducationalisteducational activityvocalizationvocalisationinternationalizationinternational relationsrationalisationrationalizationnationalisationnationalizationtransnational corporation
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