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Ashen in a sentence

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Sentence count:39Posted:2017-03-26Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: henthenwhenand thenhenceby thenashhigh-endMeaning: ['æʃn]  adj. 1. anemic looking from illness or emotion 2. made of wood of the ash tree. 
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1. His face was ashen and wet with sweat.
2. She was thin and her face was ashen.
3. She listened to the tragic news ashen - faced.
4. His face was ashen.
5. Lisa's face had turned ashen.
6. But Karen is just standing there, ashen.
7. Mr Lehman turned ashen and thin.
7. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
8. The ashen flat morning sky reflects pewter.
9. His eyes were closed, his face was an ashen colour, and there were beads of sweat on his forehead.
10. His parents' faces turn ashen when they first see him, then they smile through their tears.
11. He could see his reflection, turned gaunt and ashen, in the fragment of mirror propped against the lavatory window.
12. He hung over it a moment, ashen.
13. He fell back, shocked, his face ashen.
14. He was ashen and trembling.
15. His ashen face showed how shocked he was.
16. If wish nature, simple, may use the local ashen tone, sienna, red(, the green makes the quite gentle environment.
17. See the ashen that old woman person frightens only: Fierce, fierce.
18. After a year in ashen Paris, he was in a chromatic delirium.
19. His face was ashen now, and beads of sweat broke out on his temples.
20. Why do you all want to make Baby Ashen cry?
21. Her ashen face show how much the news have shocked her.
22. Hitler, now ashen - gray , futilely strained at his chains.
23. 'Come,'said Silver , struggling with his ashen lips to get the word out,'this won't do.
24. Their dry ashen faces and scarlet wardrobe, well suited for the molten world, now stood in contrast to the neutrally -colored desert sinkhole planet.
25. She was not holding the adorable, fat baby with the ashen curls.
26. I dozed fitfully until morning, when I awake feeling knackered; my spouse looked worried and ashen in sympathy.
27. In the pale light he noticed his servant's face was ashen, covered with a sheen of sweat.
28. I saw a group walking towards me through the ashen darkness.
29. But even if the trousers are ready, there is no word on what will happen to the ashen remains of a structure known by locals, because of its shape and location, as the "little phallus ".
30. The color may request according to the customer to make the putty ashen, the black , to imitate the copper color or colored.
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