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Alfred in a sentence

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Sentence count:241+1Posted:2018-07-13Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: alfred nobelalfred the greatpalfreyalfresconatural frequencytoll-freeself-repairself-regardMeaning: n. king of Wessex; defeated the Danes and encouraged writing in English (849-899). 
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61, Alfred McClung Lee is a reformer in his community action.
62, Christoffel and Alfred Merkelbach, weighed in with textbook kabinett wines.
63, George Gardiner and Alfred Sherman sat in an anteroom ready at an instant to do her bidding.
64, Had Alfred Glynn murdered his brother then killed himself in this frightful manner by way of expiation?
65, Magistrates adjourned the case against Alfred Dines after telling him they were thinking of imposing a three month jail term.
66, James Pegg should have been a happy man, for he was with Alfred and unaccompanied by Alice.
67, At some point Amelia Harres went west to visit her, and there she met Alfred Otis.
68, The fifth would-be author, former privatization chief Alfred Kokh, had quit over a similarly dubious book deal three months ago.
69, Eros, by Sir Alfred Gilbert, was erected in 1893 and celebrates its centenary on June 29.
70, It was here, in 1809, that Alfred Tennyson was born at the rectory.
71, Alfred Baldwin held Bewdley, but Stanley was defeated at Kidderminster.
72, Alfred, returning home after a kitchen luncheon with his colleagues, had seen the love of his life.
73, More like Nancy's dumplings, said Alfred, and received a bash from his eldest sister for being personal.
74, Unfortunately for him, Alfred had been well trained and Bastide staggered back, clutching a bloody nose.
75, People call Alfred Nobel a man of peace.
76, Alfred Nobel was a leading inventor of his day.
77, Tom always felt very much the junior to Alfred.
78, Alfred is temperate in eating.
78, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
79, Alfred Tennyson, British poet .
80, Alfred was a king of Wessex.
81, The two scientists also said Alfred Wegener was correct.
82, The director of Psycho was Alfred Hitchcock.
83, Charles Darwin and Alfred Russell Wallace discovered evolution independently.
84, Baudelaire and Alfred de Vigny.
85, Alfred the Great acted as his own spy.
86, Now Alfred began a long series of skirmishes.
87, Now Alfred began a series of skirmishes.
88, All this earns him the title “Alfred the Great.”
89, The Oxford English Dictionary cites it around the year 900 in the Laws of King Alfred.
90, Now Alfred began a long series of skirmishes —— and within a month the Danes had surrendered.
More similar words: alfred nobelalfred the greatpalfreyalfresconatural frequencytoll-freeself-repairself-regardself-renewalself-respectself-reliantself-reliancecontrol freakself-reproachself-restraintself-regulationself-reflectionself regulationself-respectingconceptual frameworkself-realizationcoal-firedFredhalf-timberedfrederickfred hoylefrederick iifrederick the greatfrederick douglassfrederick law olmsted
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