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Airfield in a sentence

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Sentence count:122+2Posted:2017-07-09Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: air filterfieldafieldfieldsinfieldfield dayfield tripforce fieldMeaning: n. a place where planes take off and land. 
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91. Expressway, road and bridges, civil airfield, harbors, wharfs.
92. Hawker Typhoon being rearmed at a forward airfield.
93. Aerobatic flights over airfield up to 2000 m.
94. The trolley bus connects here with a bus for the airfield.
95. Hundreds of fans crowded onto the airfield to wait for the famous film atar.
96. Rice meets troops during her visit at Kandahar Airfield on Thursday.
97. Newspaper, magazines and photographic equipment are not allowed within the Shek Kong Airfield.
98. These blockhouses, located in an airfield, have particular structure and complicated surroundings.
99. The policemen keep guard at the airfield and watched every body carefully.
100. Our aircraft made an emergency landing in an airfield on China's Hainan Island.
101. I came to Smoky Hill (Army Airfield) in Salina and was assigned to the 97th Bomb Wing, flying B-29s.
102. As the modernization of airfield management developing, it is required that Airfield Navaid Lighting System can provide intelligent detection and control.
103. Mike Jones's Crosslands Kennels is on the site of the old airfield near Llandow.
104. Airfield Navaid Lighting System is an essential part of an airfield. At night or bad visibility, it can help the pilot to take off and land the airplane and ensure the airplane safety.
105. I was lucky to find her at the airfield. I only went on the off chance.
106. The pilot could not return because the airfield had fogged up.
107. The MiG pilot erroneously assumed that the flak from the airfield would scare him off.
108. Airfield Navaid Lighting Detecting System is able to find out the faults and make sure the whole navaid lighting system running well.
109. A flight carrying the flame from Jakarta arrived Wednesday at a military airfield outside the Australian capital.
110. This can be a useful function when landing at night in combat at an airfield without an ILS glide slope.
111. During a airfield, he meets Alicia, a sharp-witted Latin(, starting with her beloved to see her family .
112. The airfield, less than an hour's drive west of London, is home to Britain's biannual airshow.
113. An airfield is a blue chip in the struggle for military supremacy.
114. The community of Meado Wood , adjoined the southwest limits of the airfield.
114. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
115. NATO spokesman told the BBC that Kandahar airfield had come under rocket and mortar fire. He said several NATO personnel have been wounded, but that the attack was never over.
116. An airfield is a place where aircraft can take off or land.
117. Having been taught rudimentary airplane maintenance and minor inspections at Sheppard Field at Wichita Falls, Texas, we arrived at Salina's Smoky Hill Army Airfield in October 1942.
118. They are also easy to deploy, because no airfield is needed.
119. Soon afterwards, the ballon began to descend and it landed near an airfield.
120. Their training began after Eleanor Roosevelt visited the Tuskegee Army Airfield in Tuskegee, Alabama.
More similar words: air filterfieldafieldfieldsinfieldfield dayfield tripforce fieldcornfieldbattle fieldtrack and fieldfield of visionelectric fieldmagnetic fieldairfareyieldwieldshieldunwieldyyieldingair freightairfreightshieldingsavoir-faireunyieldingwindshieldtheoretical yieldairy-fairyperfidysurfing
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