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Airfield in a sentence

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Sentence count:122+2Posted:2017-07-09Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: air filterfieldafieldfieldsinfieldfield dayfield tripforce fieldMeaning: n. a place where planes take off and land. 
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61. The apparent lack of multiple entry and exit gates on the crowd side of the airfield was bound to cause problems.
62. That night they simply marched on to the airfield and set their bombs on a plentiful supply of aircraft.
63. A 3,000 house development has been mooted for the disused airfield.
64. Many people expressed alarm at the plans, seeing possible conflicts with flying operations from the Imperial Museum's airfield.
65. The race was run on a fast and flat course around an old airfield, now used as a showground.
66. We saw the big white bird bank over the town, and then land at the new military airfield.
67. Read in studio A passenger in a microlight aircraft was injured when the machine crashed-landed at an airfield.
68. They often get lost because they have not kept the airfield in sight and within easy gliding range.
69. But then, instead of making a hasty retreat, they lurked around the airfield buildings to wait for the explosions.
70. There was no airfield defence, but the adjutant was happy enough, and apparently quite sane.
71. A few days later a 69 Squadron Maryland approached the airfield, looking for all the world like a Ju88.
72. The airfield is being scattered with lime to alter the soil's acidity to destroy the virus.
73. The airfield came into view and Y positioned for the approach.
74. And the singer Michael Jackson has even expressed interest in building a $ 500m theme park on an abandoned airfield near Warsaw.
75. The pilot repeated this information and stated that he had the airfield in sight.
76. The stage fields provided each flight with a private airfield[], thereby separating advanced and beginning students.
77. Researching the history of this airfield for a forthcoming book.
78. But it was unlucky 13 when he took off from an airfield in Yorkshire in a Halifax bomber.
79. Plans to build a new airfield could threaten the delicate ecology of the island.
80. Three miles south the Imperial War Museum has an exciting collection of military and civil aircraft at Duxford airfield.
81. They are, however, not always very relevant to the local airfield.
82. Trying to exit the airfield after the show ended resulted in large queues of vehicles all trying to get out of one gate.
83. Planning - General notes Plan for likely direction of the initial approach to destination and each en-route diversion airfield.
84. Read in studio A tiny wartime airfield that grew into Britain's biggest military airport now has its story recorded for posterity.
85. It had been discovered that the airfield at Sidi Haneish, near Fuka[], was in constant use and full of aircraft.
86. The planes formed up over the airfield.
87. The airfield was seized by enemy troops.
88. The plane circled over the airfield.
89. A large passenger aircraft will land on the airfield.
90. The aeroplanes landed on the airfield.
More similar words: air filterfieldafieldfieldsinfieldfield dayfield tripforce fieldcornfieldbattle fieldtrack and fieldfield of visionelectric fieldmagnetic fieldairfareyieldwieldshieldunwieldyyieldingair freightairfreightshieldingsavoir-faireunyieldingwindshieldtheoretical yieldairy-fairyperfidysurfing
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