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Neil in a sentence

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Sentence count:256+7Posted:2018-10-07Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: neil armstrongceilweilveilsheilaabseilveiledunveil
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181. If we mark up Neil on two or three papers he will just scrape a pass.
182. "We shouldn't be in there, we've got enough on our plate in Afghanistan," said Neil Wozencroft, a 35-year-old pipe fitter.
183. Neil lay on his back and looked up at the sky.
184. He is watched by Arnesen, Gwyn Williams and Neil Bath.
185. Baucus, speaking during Neil Wolin's confirmation hearing as deputy treasury secretary, complimented former Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson for making a "good start" in improving relations.
186. What does Neil think what his mom's done to him?
187. Neil Armstrong is another member of the Hall of Fame.
188. Francis Drake, Robert Scott, Charles Lindbergh, Amy Johnson, Edmund Hilary, Neil Armstrong,[] and Lewis and Clark are among such individuals.
189. Does Neil have to pay back the money his mother lent him?
190. "The challenge they face in large corporate deals is one of resource nationalism," said Neil Beveridge, an analyst with Sanford C. Bernstein.
191. Labour under Neil Kinnock had previously been demonised in Murdoch's Sun, to the point where some believed the tabloid's opposition had cost the party the 1992 election.
192. She once interviewed the American playwright Neil Simon, and he reported that he goes into a dissociative-like state when he creates his plays.
193. "To Greg, " reads the note, which Armstrong wrote on a newspaper clipping of Greg's story, "with thanks for your help on Apollo 11. Neil Armstrong."
194. These days, Neil Bush is co-chairman of a Beijing-based real estate company and has been working with big steel maker Shougang Holdings to help it break into Africa.
195. "We have the makings of a market crisis here, " Neil Mackinnon, a global macro strategist at VTB Capital, told the Associated Press news agency.
196. Neil was making a sigh with emotion and swim back to keep guard at leaf underside.
197. But the Reds fooled everyone, as Neil Ruddock slid the ball around the wall and into Rush's path.
198. Howard : That's what they said to Neil Armstrong about the moon.
199. Course Description Course is located 3100 meters above the plateau uplift(, by renowned golf course designer (NEIL HAWORTH) design.
200. It is the the largest planetarium in the city and a wonderland for budding Neil Armstrongs.
201. Neil: The woman thought that some department stores used to box up gifts on that day.
202. Neil Armstrong was working as a test pilot when NASA chose him to become an astronaut.
203. Neil Armstrong was the commander of the spacecraft. He was a test pilot.
204. Neil · Armstrong and Tom · Hanks also for this written foreword.
205. Neil Armstrong, the first man on the moon, is intensely private and, in the eyes of the media, unforgivably normal.
206. Neil: Today's new word is 'fag' – F.A.G. – fag.
207. Neil Beveridge of Sanford Bernstein , the investment company, says Chinese companies are looking to buy resource assets, in particular oil, for two reasons.
208. Neil Young, an Australian Antarctic division glaciologist, said: "The iceberg is likely to be part of one of the big ones that calved from the Ross ice shelf nearly a decade ago.
209. Neil is starting a minicab business; I do hope he makes a go of it.
210. Neil:The second woman often cooks a Greek dish called Moussaka.
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