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MSP in a sentence

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Sentence count:24Posted:2018-10-03Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: team sportteam spiritcircumspectcircumspectlycircumspectionpilgrim's progress
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(1) Write to your local MSP to protest.
(2) Using MSP, PCR-SSCP and denaturing PAGE gel electrophoresis, we interpret the mutation, deletion and methylation of RUNX3 gene in the level of DNA in gastric carcinoma.
(3) A fuzzy state feedback tracking control scheme was proposed for the medium-speed pulverizers (MSP) in power plants.
(4) This a basic compiler for MSP 430 complete source code can be directly used by the test.
(5) In earlier study of MSP , the emphasis is laid on the transient behavior of these processes.
(6) Multiprocessor Scheduling Problem ( MSP ) is one of the basic problems in "The Design and Analysis of computer Algorithms" , and is a NP-Problem.
(7) The major Merozoite Surface Protein 1 ( MSP 1 ) of falciparum is an important candidate for malaria vaccine.
(8) This procedure is the realization of TIs MSP 430 microcontroller PWM output waveform.
(9) And based on MSP 430 F 427 , multi - frequency underwater acoustic signal data collecting device is designed.
(10) The paper introduced a portable keyboard design with MSP 430 as control element.
(11) The government had fixed MSP at Rs 2,900 per quintal, however, the farmers were earning around Rs 3,500 per quintal from the open market.
(12) Genes encoding merozoite surface antigen 2(MSP 2) of three Chinese isolates of Plasmodium falciparum from Hainan, Yunnan and Anhui Provinces were cloned and sequenced.
(13) In this paper, based on the MSP 430 F 149 single - chip stepper motor to achieve universal controller.
(14) This procedure for the MSP 430 MCU and real - time clock interface HT 1381 procedures, use of C language.
(15) This thesis mainly study the extraction of midsaggital plane(MSP) and location of anterior commissure(AC) and posterior commissure(PC) on MR data.
(16) One such consideration is modification of the standard air traffic control team to include a multi-sector planner (MSP) position.
(17) The device adopts MSP 430 F 123 as main controller. It can determine and record annulus pressure parameter.
(18) This paper researches and designs a kind of vector network analyzer based on MSP 430.
(19) Programmers can utilise variable brightness and multi-colour LED states to their full advantage when designing new and innovative tools in Max MSP and Reaktor.
(20) Objective To design electrical stimulator for epileptic rats experiment based on MSP 430.
(21) Some embedded inequalities of eigenfunction polynomials are presented and error transformations in polynomial approximation are dealt with by using Wu Xuemou's MSP Transforming Principle.
(22) In this doctoral thesis, first, an overview of transient behavior of MSP and the applications to queueing theory, reliability theory and inventory theory is presented.
(23) A design of low - power consumption heat meter with long-distance communication based on MSP 430 is stated.
(24) It was concluded that the three key technologies are the glass microsphere classifying, MSP body molding and sintering, dynode making of MSP.
More similar words: team sportteam spiritcircumspectcircumspectlycircumspectionpilgrim's progress
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