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Jacques in a sentence

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Sentence count:147+2Posted:2018-06-25Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: jacques cartierjean-jacques rousseaujacquardlacqueracquitracquetacquireacquired
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91. Jacques Rou? t, a young civil servant, was appointed as its administrator.
92. Star performers include Suzanne Farrell , Edward Villella, Jacques d'Amboise , Judith Jamison, Fernando Bujones and Allegra Kent.
93. The paintings of Jacques Louis David, such as the Oath of the Horatii (1770), harkened back to Republican Rome and the virtues of nobility, simplicity, and perfection of form.
94. Here, the concept of "institution" is not only in the sense of "the institution of literature" that Jacques Derrida pointed out, but also in the means of what he calls the "text".
95. Jacques Derrida, the world famous thinker, philosopher, and the founder of Deconstructionism, has been exerting an enormous influence on almost all the branches in the humanities.
96. This is the witness encountered by appointment, by me, Jacques Four.
97. The operetta is considered to have originated in the 1850s in Paris by the composer Jacques Offenbach.
98. I walked behind the king's horse-drawn casket with President Mubarak, Yasser Arafat, Jacques Chirac, and other leaders on a three-mile route through downtown Rabat.
99. He is the son of a former precentor of Saint - Jacques - du - Haut - Pas.
100. Using intertextual reading, this article discusses Jacques Derrida s logical thread in his deconstruction of Husserl s sign theory from the aspects of voice, expression, time and intuitive subject.
101. The paper explores a new approach to teaching translation norms by looking at Jacques Lacan's four discourses: of the master, the university, the analyst, and the hysteric.
102. Louise - Jacques - Mande Daguerre, a Frenchman, worked as a painter in an opera house.
103. " But our Defarge,'said Jacques Three, " is undoubtedly a good Republican? Eh? ".
104. In 1960, U.S. Navy Lieutenant Don Walsh and Jacques Picard in the bathyscaph "Trieste" reached the bottom of the Trench at 35, 840 feet deep.
105. As Jacques points out, China "may seem like a nation state, but its geological formation is that of a civilisation state".
106. Jacques Tati is the most excellent comedy master in France since Max Linder.
107. The event menu included guinea fowl stuffed with foie gras, coquilles Saint Jacques and the region's famed green spring asparagus.
108. At four months old she went on her first oceanic expedition with her family, father Phillipe Cousteau, mother Jan, and grandfather Jacques Cousteau.
109. Sadly, natural - law thinking became unfashionable in the two centuries after Jean Jacques Rousseau.
110. Two music critics - Jacques Fustier , a violin maker whose violin was played in the test, and two other violinists - listened to them...
111. He is a good child , this mender of roads, called Jacques.
112. However, meanwhile we are well familiar with the critique of the presence formulated especially by Jacques Derrida.
113. Max Thor, was born in France. His prominent influences are Paul Cezanne, Jacques Villon and Nicolas de STAEL whose retrospective in 1955, in the Museum of Modern Arts, was a revelation.
114. Jacques Maritain(1882-1973) has unique occurring principle of art, who is a famous Christian esthetician of France, a theoretician of the literature and art in the 20th century.
115. French explorer Jacques Cartier built a fort at the site in 1535, where he stayed for the winter before going back to France in spring 1536.
116. Renowned curator Jacques Sauni è re staggered through the vaulted archway of the museum's Grand Gallery.
117. Rousseau, Jean - Jacques . The Confessions. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000 . Book I.
118. The room Jacques and I occupied, though large, was dwarfed by an immense feather bed.
119. Bouchon and Falcon's punched card loom appeared in 1775, later improved on by Jacques de Vaucanson.
120. In the end, Jacques Diouf, head of the F.A.O., said differences of opinion about biofuels were too wide to settle.
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