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IDT in a sentence

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Sentence count:24Posted:2024-04-05Updated:2024-04-05
Similar words: widthmidtownschmidtin widthmidtermgap widthbandwidthacid test
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1) Other than the IDT and interrupt descriptors, the protected mode interrupt functions like the real mode interrupt.
2) In place of interrupt vectors, protected mode used a set of 256 interrupt descriptors that are stored in an interrupt descriptor table (IDT).
3) When the conductance of sound radiation for IDT is equal to the output conductance for the matching network, the reflection loss and transmission loss can be reduced.
4) The P matrix of IDT whose electric ports both connected in serial is difficultly joined when we analysis interdigital transducer(IDT).
5) The result indicates that IDT can effectively control ICP rising after brain injury and at the same time, it may not influence the cerebral metabolism.
6) Method Field investigation, data collection in misdiagnosed cases, IDT(intradermal test)and ELISA for detection of susceptible persons, freshwater crab and reservoir host examination etc.
7) To obtain knowledge and data from incomplete decision table(IDT), the paper presents a new doubly variable precision limited tolerance rough set theory model(VPLTRST).
8) Therefore, the application of the apodization IDT and the metal reflector are two important factors to improve the Q value of the SAW mass sensor.
9) And cooperating with IDT processor, it achieves the panorama mode, the feature perspective mode, debug mode and stop mode.
10) The optimal IDT aperture and the aperture ratio are determined by calculating diffraction response.
11) IDT Corporation will join hands with the Chinese livestock industry, and create brilliant tomorrow!
12) Sets up a provisional Interrupt Descriptor Table ( IDT ) and a provisional Global Descriptor Table ( GDT ).
13) Inhalation drug therapy (IDT) is a prevailing method of respiratory tract therapy as a main non-invasive drug delivery.
14) The IDT must be properly initialized before the kernel enables interrupts.
15) IDT contains interrupt number and recordset made up of ISR addresses.
16) The P matrix of IDT whose electric ports both serial is difficultly analysis interdigital transducer ( IDT ).
17) Each entry in the IDT contains the address of the interrupt service procedure in the form of a segment selector and a 32-bit offset address.
18) Mr. Lin joined IDT in 2006 and take care of venture investment and portfolio management in mainland China.
19) We can decrease the IL by increasing the finger pairs of receiving interdigital transducers(IDT) and by the weighting of receiving IDT.
20) Accounting for the bulk-wave effects in SAW devices,[] it introduces the BAW excitation theory on IDT.
21) The parameters are only depended on the charge distribution, weighted coefficients and IDT overlap pattern.
22) A piezoelectrically actuated microjet is used for inhalation drug therapy ( IDT ) .
23) For the first time, copper was used as the IDT (interdigital transducer) material for the surface acoustic wave (SAW) actuation device in this experiment.
24) On the basis of SAW technology, this thesis designs a SAW humidity sensor. Include the design of IDT (interdigital transducer), the thin film as well as the frequency measurement system.
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