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EXIM in a sentence

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Sentence count:16Posted:2024-04-10Updated:2024-04-10
Similar words: Eximbankmaximoximemaximamaximaloximetrymaximumproxima
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1. In 2007, Exim Bank partnered with IFC to establish a program to serve women enterpreneurs in Tanzania.
2. Exim saw the gap in the market, so they started this program," she says.
3. News of the Exim commitment caused a fuss in some quarters of Europe.
4. Exim Bank's WEF program has since enabled 214 women to access over US $8 million in credit to expand their small or medium sized businesses.
5. In 2007, Exim Bank became the first institution in the country to cater to the vastly under-served market of women business owners.
6. Exim also offers an innovative savings account for budding women entrepreneurs called the Tumaini Account (Swahili for "hope").
7. China Exim Bank to expand credit loans to Chinese exporters.
8. As I failed in the EXIm in junior school, I had to continue my study in Secondary Vocational School.
9. Loans from China Exim Bank helped Sinopec acquire a stake in a large project in Angola.
10. IFC's support for the Exim Bank program followed an IFC study published in 2007 showing women in Tanzania faced major hurdles in the financial sector.
11. Exim's products have offered alternatives, and also helped Exim become better known and expand its customer base, says Simba.
12. China Exim Bank and China Development Bank, the main lenders, publish no figures about their vast loans to poor countries.
13. Basically,( we are very happy to know that Exim Bank has started something in Tanzania for women and that it is successful.
14. The Exim bank loan helped entrepreneur Monica Gaimo buy machinery for her construction business in Arusha, allowing it to take on more high-end projects.
15. Chinese firms enjoy a plethora of financing opportunities from institutions like the China Exim Bank, the Bank of China and the China Development Bank.
16. Gaimo discovered the WEF program through business and financial literacy training provided by Exim Bank that aimed to build entrepreneurship skills among women.
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