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85 in a sentence

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Sentence count:259+4Posted:2018-07-29Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: adj. being five more than eighty. 
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211) The casualty of the Iraqi troops was more than 85,000.
212) With regard to purchase confirmation No.85 , please ship the goods as soon as possible.
213) Third, anti-aircraft division, 37 millimeters equipped with 30 anti-aircraft guns, 16 anti-aircraft 57-mm, 85 mm anti-aircraft 11, 100 mm anti-aircraft gun 7, and searchlight units and radar units.
214) Bearishness was clearly the dominate trend across asset classes as regional equities weakened with Nikkei down -1.85%, Hang Seng falling -2.72%.
215) Woven modacrylic fabric, containing less than 85% by wight of continuous madacrylic material mixed mainly or solely with cotton excl. pile and chenille fabrics.
216) Think Jack Nicholson in About Schmidt, Peter O'Toole in Venus, Paul Newman in Road to Perdition, or about 85% of the roles that Michael Caine has accepted in the past decade.
217) Undervoltage Sensing for Each Phase of Normal Source: Pickup voltage is adjustable form 85 to 100 percent of nominal, and dropout voltage is adjustable from 75 to 98 percent of pickup value.
218) Even though there will be a lot of parts-sharing with Chrysler -- and thus the danger of diluting Alfa's distinctive personality -- Marchionne is penciling in an additional 85,000 Alfa sales by 2014.
219) Irrigation of the wound with saline solution removed 85 % of the infection.
220) Nonfarm payrolls likely increased 85,000 last month, according to a Reuters survey, after rising only 18,000 in June. The jobless rate is expected to hold steady at 9.2 percent.
221) Combined marginal tax - benefit rates of 85 percent became common.
222) Ethnic Composition: Hutu ( Buntu ) - 85 %; Tutsi ( Hamitic ) - 14 % ; Twa ( Pygmy ) - ...
223) The state of the art in 2 D rendering was PostScript [ Ado 85 ] .
224) She says that in Suleimaniyah voter turnout aboutpercent 85 percent and in Irbil it was percent.
225) LC single-track tool cabinet tool cabinet in this series by monorail drawer, can be 85% open, every drawer loading 60kg, apply to place the measuring tools, cutting tools,( tooling and other items.
226) Japan's monetary base rose 85 percent between 1997 and 2003; deflation continued apace.
227) About 85 species from Ceylon to South East Asia and New Guinea.
228) A standard 8-ounce cup of drip coffee has 85 milligrams of caffeine, while a standard dose of pain reliever with caffeine usually has 120 milligrams.
229) After 100 hours exposure to a fade-o-meter, reflection factor may not be less than 85%, and finish can show no visible color change.
230) The areal-types of the dominant families was cosmopolitan distribution and pantropic distribution totalling 48 families, accounting for 85.2%.
231) Latrobe valley's pits and power plants provide 85% of the electricity used by the 5 million residents of the state of Victoria.
232) A black, porous, carbonaceous material, 85 to 98 percent carbon, produced by the destructive distillation of wood and used as a fuel, filter, and absorbent.
233) Methods 85 autopsy cases of neonatal death, documented by Public Security Bureau of Panzhihua city from 1993 to 2008, were reviewed.
234) Results Out of 111 patients, 23 had Cushing's syndrome, 3 had primary aldosteronism and 85 had adrenal gland hyperplastic diseases without secreted hormones.
235) The article goes on to say that a casino's statistical advantage on the game of Baccarat suggests it should win 2.85% of all VIP chips wagered.
236) S. refining industry's capacity utilization to 85.9 percent, slightly lower than the previous week.
237) Bush's wife Laura, for her part, also received a set of diamond and saphire jewelry from the Saudi monarch, but hers was worth just half that given to Rice -- 85, 000 dollars.
238) The rooting rates of P, davidiana in phytotron reached 85%.
239) If the single well contains water more than 85 %, the perforated boundary line can be broadened.
240) Site of an early Spanish presidio and mission, it is a residential and resort community with aerospace and electronics research and development industries. Population, 85, 571.
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