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85 in a sentence

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Sentence count:259+4Posted:2018-07-29Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: adj. being five more than eighty. 
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181) If your humidity requirement is 85% or under, the Humidistat Control offers the best overall control.
182) Methods:Retrospective research of 85 3 cases newly-married womens pre-marriage iatrical checking data was conducted.
183) People mark the 15th anniversary of the bombing of the AMIA Jewish community centre in Buenos Aires – the worst such attack on Argentine soil – by holding up photographs of the 85 victims.
184) METHODS The clinical data of 85 cases with PPE were retrospectively analyzed. The clinical pathological type, bacteriologic features and treatment results were investigated.
185) The erythematous follicular papules and pustules were scattered mainly on the back (87. 85%) and chest (58.41%), the number of the eruptions in males was more than in females significantly.
186) Change over from normal to emergency mode shall occur at not less than 0.6 times rated supply voltage, It shall not occur at greater than 0.85 times rated supply voltage.
187) It is incurred because of body endocrinopathy according to the human a lot of diseases of statistics, especially women over 40, there is over 85% of the trouble with endocrinopathy .
188) Gasat supermarkets the region are preparing to install E 85 pumps to supply the new fleet.
189) Method: 85 cases of neonatal diaper dermatitis were treated with MEBO after their flush skin was cleaned with normal saline.
190) The moisture regain shows a minimum at 3.85 % chitin content accessibility of the blend staples.
191) As an intermediate, 3,5-dimethylpiperidine is a mixture of 85% cis-isomer and 15% trans-isomer.
192) The positive rate of ER in breast carcinoma was 58.82% (50/85), ER didn't express in fibroadenoma of breast.
193) Results 55 cases 39.85 % of USN were found in 138 patients with stroke.
194) These socks are made of 85 % cotton with 15 % nylon reinforced around the toe.
195) The text of the new edition is roughly 85% Austen and 15% Grahame-Smith.
196) A city of east-central Rhode Island on Narragansett Bay south of Providence. Settled in 1643, it is a manufacturing center and a summer resort. Population, 85,427.
197) Among them Staphylococcus aureus (SA) and coagulase negative staphylococci (CNS), meticillin resistant SA (MRSA) and meticillin resistant CNS (MRCNS) accounted for 79.6% and 85.7%, respectively.
198) 184 cases of acute flaccid paralysis and 85 deaths have been reported from the site of the acute poliomyelitis outbreak centred in Pointe Noire, Republic of Congo.
199) The results indicated that 10 % metabolic liquid of Armillaria mellea in PDA medium can inhibit the growth of Exscrohilum turcicum and Bipolaris maydis by 82 % - 85 %.
200) Starting absorb time of sternum are 4.54±2.85 days, Obvious absorb time of sternum are 7.74±4.68 days.
201) Of this quantity 15 % was added to thermoset ant 85 % to thermoplastic polymers.
202) For the foramen spinosum, bilateral symmetry in 3 cases ( 15 % ) and asymmetry in 17 cases ( 85 % ).
203) QC Monorail tool cabinet tool cabinet in this series by monorail drawer, can be 85% open, every drawer loading 60kg, apply to place the measuring tools, cutting tools, tooling and other items.
204) She wears a platinum and diamonds necklace with 18 oval - cut rubies total of 70,85 cts.
205) As an 85 - year - old woman(, I was apprehensive.
206) Experiments show that the quantum efficiency of devices without and with antireflection coating is about 60% and 85%, respectively.
207) Result:The ultrasound accurate rate was 83 9%. The positive rate of carcinomatous lymphadenectasis was 67%. The accurate rate of approach choosing was 85 2%.
208) The yield of ammonium cerium nitrate is more than 85%, and the purity of ammonium cerium nitrate with orange red color is larger than 99%.
209) Urban sanitation : Sound urban garbage treatment rate of 90%, the general comprehensive utilization of industrial solid waste and hazardous waste harmless, the main processing rate of 85%.
210) Its gross public debt is forecast to be 85 % this year.
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