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44 in a sentence

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Sentence count:278+3Posted:2019-05-12Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: adj. being four more than forty. 
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91. But he got angry over a $ 30 waiting charge on top of the $ 44 trip.
92. On December 13, 1973, the House of Representatives approved the Jackson-Vanik amendment by an overwhelming vote of 388 to 44.
93. That's well over £5,000 up in smoke - or, to be exact, an average £44.66 a month.
94. Public sector borrowing requirement is forecast to rise from £37 billion this year to £44 billion next year.
95. On finding that a printing error had left four blank pages in the 44 page booklet, I wrote to Hyperion.
96. By contrast, the median income of those with IRAs, savings and pension plans is $ 44, 500.
97. All 44 patients with chronic type B hepatitis had pre-S1 and pre-S2 display in the liver.
98. They also show absolute declines in the number of working men aged 25 to 44.
99. By 1989 the average working week for full-time male workers had increased to 44.1 hours.
100. Constellation Real Estate received conditional sketch phase approval to build 44 town houses on 12.39 acres.
101. Between 1979 and 1982 there was a reduction in farm net profit of almost 44%.
102. Jonathan Powell, 44, will join the fledgling station before its broadcasting debut on January 1.
103. More than half of working women are aged 25 to 44; more than seven in 10 are in the labor force.
104. As many as 44 military planes and helicopters had been badly damaged, he acknowledged.
105. The body count was probably higher, maybe as high as 44, though police could never prove it.
106. You know,[] 99. 44 percent pure. So pure it floats.
107. The biggest jumps in participation rates were recorded by workers under age 44, minorities, machine operators and laborers.
108. The median age of the 28, 000-plus permanent residents is a vigorous 44.
109. Maise Carney notched up 44 years office work at the docks.
110. Men gave a slight edge to Dole, 44 percent to 43 percent.
111. They know that in the last 44 years no Republican has gained the presidency without first winning the New Hampshire primary.
112. The Labor Party, led by Shimon Peres, took 44 seats.
113. For example in June, the percentage of pupils absent in individual schools ranged from 0% to 44% of the school roll.
114. In spite of this the agreement was approved by 44 votes to 28 and the strike began the same evening.
115. At an earlier hearing police said Griffin blasted Lynn's car with a. 44 Magnum after she broke up their affair.
116. The patient's family was involved in the decision-making process in 44 per cent of cases.
117. In seven Tests at headquarters between 1983 and 1989, Foster took just 14 wickets at 44 runs apiece.
118. Gale Zylstra, 44, was arrested Tuesday morning by Phoenix police on suspicion of first-degree murder.
119. In all other cases they should be reported as minority interests. 44.
120. In 1994, New York City got $ 100 million through the program, compared with $ 44 million the previous year.
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