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1980s in a sentence

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Sentence count:225+9Posted:2018-11-15Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: n. the decade from 1980 to 1989. 
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211. The last of the five periods identified by Geary is the 1980s, when industrial confrontation reverted to a more violent form.
212. The annual growth in concentration in the 1980s was 0.5 percent.
213. Late 1940s Britain like early 1980s Britain felt itself strapped for cash.
214. These are harder to come by now than in the boom period of the late 1980s.
214. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
215. The 1980s saw another twist in the controversy surrounding the structure of local government.
216. Issues of concern to key powerholders at the top of organizations have also changed dramatically during the 1980s.
217. The 1980s have been marked by an avalanche of documents from both local and central government.
218. In public sector schools in the late 1980s, shortages of government funding were bringing pressures to charge fees.
219. The Ronnie-and-Maggie show was a top attraction of the 1980s.
220. For most of the 1980s that international mobility undermined mostly blue-collar workers.
221. Social services departments were strongly criticized in the 1980s for not taking more effective action to protect children at risk.
222. The 1980s were the hottest decade on record.
223. The economic gloom of the early 1980s was relieved by fanciful architecture.
224. Margaret Thatcher's espousal of monetarism eventually brought inflation down in the early 1980s.
225. The extreme right reared its ugly head in the 1980s.
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