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1980s in a sentence

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Sentence count:225+9Posted:2018-11-15Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: n. the decade from 1980 to 1989. 
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181. During the 1980s several newspaper articles made allegations of corruption against the bank.
182. After providing a brief overview of the chronology of urban unrest during the 1980s, the chapter concentrates on two main themes.
183. In the mid 1980s she became increasingly conscious of the links between gender and reception.
184. In the debt crisis of the 1980s, the banks ended up losing an awful lot.
185. The bipolar world of the 1980s, where two opposing countries held all the power, disappeared very quickly.
186. The late 1980s and early 1990s have seen lifestyle techniques emerge as the most talked about development in the industry.
187. The party that became notorious in the 1980s for bombing embassies and kidnapping foreigners is now preaching against rudeness.
188. Again like Brezhnev, Tsedenbal descended from the summit in the early 1980s.
189. Finally, we come to the bugbear of the 1980s - rubbish collection.
190. In the early 1980s, her son Peter died at 15 of muscular dystrophy.
191. By the late 1980s, however, the system came under increasing criticism from domestic and foreign-owned exporters.
192. Theorists carried out the calculations for the routes which involve emitting one or two gluons in the early 1980s.
193. In the 1980s, the economy contracted and many small businesses failed.
194. In the 1980s, we thought we'd found salvation to our problems in artificial intelligence and expert systems.
195. Chapter 7 briefly reviews the developments instituted in the 1980s.
196. The fall in record sales during the 1980s has damaged the newer sector of the industry more than the major companies.
196. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
197. Mrs. Peacock Will my right hon. and learned Friend confirm that in the 1980s manufacturing output rose by31 percent?
198. During the 1980s, the government of London again became a major matter of political controversy.
199. The brutal suppression of the insurrection of the early 1980s was not an isolated incident.
200. This table also confirms the seeming decline in overall profitability during the 1980s and particularly in 1986.
201. A large number of smaller companies there have been receiving regional selective assistance since the middle 1980s.
202. Doug Ross, who ran the Michigan Department of Commerce during the 1980s, confronted this reality head on.
203. In the 1980s the Chancellor reduced the rate of corporation tax companies paid but also reduced the allowances on new investment.
204. The Conservative achievement in the 1980s was to put Labour on the defensive by presenting Thatcherism as a continuation of historic Conservatism.
205. In the early 1980s a greater number of Arab banks was represented in London than in any Arab capital or financial centre.
206. For the cloning biologists of the 1980s, however, the cell cycle had to remain just an uncomfortable awareness.
207. For a brief moment in the late 1980s and early 1990s ecstasy broke this mould.
208. It had eliminated the large budget deficits of the early 1980s and was in fiscal balance.
209. Fans of the novel claim that its stomach-turning violence is a brilliant metaphor for the 1980s culture of consumerism and self-gratification.
210. The Conservative government of the 1980s has aroused profound anxiety by its policies of centralization and executive control.
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