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1980s in a sentence

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Sentence count:225+9Posted:2018-11-15Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: n. the decade from 1980 to 1989. 
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151. By the early 1980s the Commission had been coming under increasingly severe criticism from conservationists and others.
152. Most of the steel factories around here went bust in the 1980s.
153. The controversies surrounding severe mental handicap which began in the early 1980s sparked off a national debate which continues today.
154. In the 1980s you can not survive in a small business unless you are part of a bulk buying organization.
155. In the 1980s geodemographic systems were hailed as the powerful new direct marketing technique.
156. Commercially viable deposits of lignite were confined to the area around Lough Neagh in the early 1980s.
157. Since the onset of the debt crisis in the early 1980s more than 70 countries were currently having serious debt problems.
158. Another area where there has been an advance of market coordination in the 1980s is the public sector.
159. From the mid- 1980s, the bank backed his deals with a string of loans.
160. In the 1980s Jacques Kerchache, a former dealer, collector and connoisseur of primitive art, took up the cudgels again.
161. In the early 1980s, there was another severe drought cycle but the adverse impact was less.
162. The mortgage market has become a more competitive arena in the years since the early 1980s.
163. As the 1980s wore on and bore down, institutions were prodded into changing over to commercial management structures.
164. The sector's reputation for efficiency and technical excellence is deservedly high - growth averaged 14 percent a year across the 1980s.
165. She said that large cuts were made in regional selective assistance in the early 1980s.
166. The new vehicles built as replacements during the 1980s were generally of higher capacity, privately owned and fitted with air brakes.
166. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
167. Larky jaunts to the back of beyond returned to fashion with the 1980s boom in travel writing.
168. Mr Kern likens the current climate for microcap funds to the 1980s, when small-cap investing gained momentum with mutual-fund families.
169. It acquired its stake in the early 1980s, hoping eventually to acquire the tobacco group.
170. The party has abandoned policies which made it unelectable in the 1980s.
171. Have we now reached the stage where there is a recognised body of work produced over the 1980s by women artists?
172. As editor of Running magazine in the early 1980s, he commissioned Thompson to report on an athletic competition in Hawaii.
173. The city council, famous in the 1980s for its bitter internal disputes, could not be more pliant.
174. To arrive at this moment, Packard spent the early 1980s locating small, flowery clearings in the thickets of Illinois woods.
175. During the 1980s, the phrases leveraged buyout and management buyout echoed all over Wall Street.
176. During the 1970s and 1980s, treatment centers cropped up all over the nation.
177. It points the way to new directions for the late 1980s and 1990s.
178. Naturally not all the criticism of the massive demolitions in the 1980s was purely aesthetic.
179. Official figures for manufacturing show a capital stock that increased gently but persistently throughout the 1970s and 1980s.
180. Again, the would-be reformers' interpretation of the 1980s led them to this conclusion.
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