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1980s in a sentence

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Sentence count:225+9Posted:2018-11-15Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: n. the decade from 1980 to 1989. 
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121. The general dimensions of the issue had not changed much from those noted during the 1980s.
122. It refers to the resurgence of manufacturing during the 1980s and the mistaken but widespread belief that manufacturing is still shrinking.
123. By the late 1980s, the attractions of city life were not what they had once been for the peasants.
124. Peace campaigners in the 1980s, and animal-rights and environmental groups in the 1990s, faced this dilemma.
125. The strong U.S. economy of the 1980s was bracketed by two recessions.
126. She devoted herself to Catholic charities in the 1980s, selling her Hollywood home and jewels to finance her work.
127. Salomon Brothers was the only major firm on Wall Street in the early 1980s with no system for allocating costs.
128. Residents there helped defeat a plan in the early 1980s for an off- road park in nearby Sycamore Canyon.
129. With the much lower production costs of the late 1980s, small circulation was no longer the same barrier to profitability.
130. In the 1980s he was living in comfortable retirement in a suburb of Buenos Aires, still convinced that his experiment worked.
131. At the beginning of the 1980s, about a third of the total labour force was employed in agriculture.
132. They ran government trading at Salomon Brothers during the 1980s and early 1990s, ruling with swagger, bravado and hubris.
133. Unemployment in the 1980s is generally regarded as one of the most important political issues facing all major capitalist economies.
134. In the 1980s, their cars had a bad reputation for reliability.
135. Planned during the boom years of the late 1980s, it was to be the golf development parexcellence.
136. In the 1980s, Labour local authorities had emerged as defenders of the poor and of public services.
136. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
137. Moreover, overcapacity reduced margins during the 1980s when the real costs of construction rose, thus creating higher barriers to entry.
138. I am reminded of the period in the 1980s when I was directly involved in the negotiations on these matters.
139. The current generation of anti-depressants, developed in the 1980s, includes Prozac and its close chemical cousins Zoloft and Paxil.
140. The word "yuppie" is a coinage of the 1960s which found a new fame in the 1980s.
141. At the peak of the 1980s construction boom, for example, the figure was nearly eight times that.
142. The computer industry is determined to shape a market, substantially broader than that for computers-the success story of the 1980s.
143. Evans was a product of another classic 1980s business - the management buyout.
144. Other examples in the 1980s include information technology directors, marketing directors, sales directors or, indeed, human resources directors.
145. Saying they were losing money there, large grocery chains began moving out of inner-city neighborhoods in the 1980s.
146. A glassy stone beloved by ancient toolmakers, obsidian was found only in two prehistoric spots in Arizona prior to the 1980s.
147. Without him, Tiger itself went into decline and closed in the early 1980s.
148. The 1980s witnessed a significant shifting of the boundary between the public and the private sectors in many Western countries.
149. Instead, many separate insights and discoveries took place within the decade of the 1980s.
150. Heritage, the buzzword of the 1980s, is out; modernisation, the buzzword of the 1960s, is in.
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