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1980s in a sentence

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Sentence count:225+9Posted:2018-11-15Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: n. the decade from 1980 to 1989. 
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91. There were similar warnings in the 1980s after a crushing defeat for the separatists in the1980 referendum.
92. On this view, the 1980s are to be followed by a new long boom initiated by a series of innovations.
93. The increase would arrest a steady erosion that had cut the budget by almost half since the mid 1980s.
94. Inland Revenue figures show a rise of nearly 10% a year in the post-tax value of bequests in the 1980s.
95. The only orders for new diesel locomotives placed during the 1970s and 1980s, were for locomotives designed specifically to haul freight.
96. This was demolished in the mid 1980s, the congregation attending the chapel at Haisthorpe.
97. More fundamentally, in the early 1980s a new system of local-government support was introduced - the block grant.
98. In short, a lot was done to increase the level of charitable donations from individuals in the 1980s.
99. However throughout the 1980s prices have declined in a glutted market.
100. He was an assistant football coach at Colorado in the 1980s and had a law practice.
101. Overall, more diversity in local spending priorities emerged in the 1980s within the constraints central government imposed.
102. Its artist, Leon Kuhn, was in the early 1980s a political cartoonist for the New Statesman.
103. At the beginning of the 1980s, road building was not a notably popular cause.
104. The incidence study has shown that there were more older patients and relatively more patients with colonic disease during the 1980s.
105. Some 4,000 of the 13,000 currency dealers who had flourished in the 1980s struggled on, trading the remaining independent currencies.
106. This had a direct impact on the problem-solving time which is now on average 8.5 times longer than in the 1980s.
107. During the boom years of the 1980s the Duke of Westminter's company embarked on a building spree,[] especially in Mayfair.
108. It is a highly successful adaptation of an advertisement which was first shown back in the early 1980s in Britain.
109. The United States also became a still more potent international competitor in the 1980S - especially in fields such as computers.
110. Unemployment in the 1980s forced many older people into early retirement and made it difficult for others to find work.
111. The pace of change which accelerated in the 1980s would continue unabated in the 1990s.
112. However, hospital admissions for asthma attacks, mostly among children, doubled during the 1980s.
113. In the 1970s and early 1980s, a number of observers began to chart a decline in the civic culture.
114. The report demonstrated that the 1980s austerity measures had disproportionately affected blue collar workers in comparison with white collar workers.
115. The 1995 national increase in costs is a far cry from the double-digit growth seen in the late 1980s and early 1990s.
116. So in the early 1980s, with her life savings of $ 3, 000, she arrived in the Big Apple.
117. By the start of the 1980s, however, the company had cut its operating costs pretty much to the bone.
118. In the early 1980s it had the highest absenteeism and dropout rates in Portland.
119. Instead the 1980s has seen neoliberal market philosophies being adopted even by parties of the Left.
120. Western interest has increased since glasnost, but has concentrated on the more contemporary works of the 1970s and 1980s.
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