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1980s in a sentence

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Sentence count:225+9Posted:2018-11-15Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: n. the decade from 1980 to 1989. 
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61. During the 1980s, the amount of ozone in the stratosphere above Europe decreased by about 8%.
62. He burst onto the fashion scene in the early 1980s.
63. The collapse of Communism at the end of the 1980s encouraged hopes of a new world order.
64. The boom of the 1980s led to a taste for petrol-guzzling cars.
65. Trainers really became popular in the 1980s(, when casual sportswear came in.
66. The rules covering eligibility for benefits changed in the 1980s.
67. He became the personification of the financial excess of the 1980s.
68. Back in the 1980s, they were attempting to forge a new kind of rock music.
69. During the 1980s, practices like gazumping gave the property business in England a bad name.
70. His work draws heavily on learning theories of the 1980s.
71. Her popularity as a singer has waned since the glory days of the 1980s.
72. During the 1980s problems beset Orkney's Social Work Department.
73. In the 1980s, however, things have changed.
74. Its annual increase in the 1980s was 1 percent.
75. Skateboarding first came in during the early 1980s.
76. It is therefore in many ways an ideal empirical test bed for assessing the validity of Pahl's classification in the 1980s.
77. The extra cash would fund research related to the new generation of satellites planned for later in the 1980s.
78. That is where so much of the consumer boom of the 1980s came from.
79. The general demoralization of Soviet society during the Brezhnev period affected the militia also and by the 1980s widespread corruption was reported.
80. In the early 1980s Korolev showed considerable determination in embarking on the total restoration of the Tretyakov building complex in Lavrushinsky Pereulok.
81. In the 1980s mechanical hearts were attached by wires and tubes to machinery outside the body.
82. Today the aggressive presence of deconstructionism that shook up so many academic departments in the 1980s has receded.
83. The boom years of the 1980s, however[], have seen private-sector profitability soar.
84. His influence was greatest on the centre left during the neo-liberal ascendancy in the 1980s.
85. In the 1980s, bull markets tended to be caused by short-term weather markets, and were quickly corrected.
86. The Social Democrats created huge momentum in the 1980s, but still failed-beaten back by Labour at its most demoralised.
87. This chapter has brought together many of the negative features of economic change in 1980s Britain.
88. He also has several convictions for receiving stolen property and burglary from the 1970s and 1980s.
89. Whatever Messrs Mondale, Foot and Kinnock said about raising taxes in the 1980s, they were going to be beaten anyway.
90. In the 1980s, changes in the law, and market pressures made this feature of accounting more prevalent and more dangerous.
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