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Gallon in a sentence

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Sentence count:175+7Posted:2016-09-26Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: Imperial galloncongiusgalSimilar words: call onpull ontell ondwell onlegallegallyfrugalgalleryMeaning: ['gælən]  n. 1. United States liquid unit equal to 4 quarts or 3.785 liters 2. a British imperial capacity measure (liquid or dry) equal to 4 quarts or 4.545 liters. 
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31, In 1983 a gallon of four-star cost around £1.80.
32, My car gets about 30 miles per gallon.
33, The car gets about thirty miles to the gallon.
34, Gallon Drunk are an aural offence.
35, It would have been perfect if half a gallon of water had not leaked into my rolled-up sleeping-bag.
36, Fruit sherbets must weigh no less than 6 pounds per gallon.
37, A friend of hers, who also owns an Insight, reports getting 75 to 80 miles per gallon.
38, A proposition to double the state's 9 cent per gallon petrol tax to increase expenditure on roads was accepted.
39, February heating oil slipped 0. 15 cent to 54. 22 cents a gallon.
40, Milk costs less per unit when purchased in gallon containers.
41, Some one has suggested I should try potassium permanganate, but what quantities per gallon should I use?
42, Jet, which already sells cut-price petrol, will knock 12p off a gallon of unleaded, reducing it to £199.6p.
43, Understand and use simple rates; e.g. £ per hour, miles per gallon. Read meters and dials of various types.
44, By the end of 1973, the price of oil had quadrupled to $11.65 a gallon.
45, A 34 gallon fuel tank was placed below the cabin floor.
46, The fry tank My fry tank holds a gallon of mature water from the parents' tank.
47, They say it contains eight percent alcohol, and the locals down it by the gallon.
48, February gasoline suffered a sharper decline, down 1. 83 cents at 58. 65 cents a gallon.
49, I took a drink from one of the twenty-four plastic gallon containers which I had been collecting for two years.
50, February unleaded gasoline fell 0. 46 cent to 58. 19 cents a gallon.
51, About eight teaspoonsful of marine salts dissolved in a gallon of fresh water will afford a suitable hatching medium.
52, And, the six-cylinder gets two more miles per gallon of premium fuel than does the V-8.
53, But while the turbo provides the poke, the diesel factor ensures economic consumption of around 47 miles per gallon.
53, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
54, Tensions in the gulf drove prices at the time up to the present-day rate of $ 1. 46 per gallon.
55, Forecourts are drastically cutting prices after the Tesco supermarket chain announced a massive drop in the cost of a gallon.
56, Nationally, heating oil is about a dime higher than a year ago, averaging about $ 1. 06 a gallon.
57, Unleaded gasoline for February delivery fell 1. 83 cents to 58. 65 cents a gallon.
58, Marine Answers Increasing the stock I have a 34 gallon set up with an undergravel filter and external canister filter.
59, Most outdid Torreson's $ 1.70.9 per gallon of unleaded gasoline by a cent at $ 1.69.9.
60, They had previously been kept in an 80 gallon tank where the owner had rarely seen them.
More similar words: call onpull ontell ondwell onlegallegallyfrugalgallerygalaxyillegalmegalomanialonglong.blondalongall ofallowall outcolonylet alonelong forcall offall of ahelloballotall alongprolongget alongas long asany longer
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