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Burnt in a sentence

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Sentence count:162+13Posted:2016-12-08Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: bakedburnedburned-outburned-overburnt-outSimilar words: turn toburnburnerburn upburn outburnishburningburnishedMeaning: [bɜːn]  adj. 1. ruined by overcooking 2. having undergone oxidation 3. treated by heating to a high temperature but below the melting or fusing point 4. hardened by subjecting to intense heat 5. destroyed or badly damaged by fire. 
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91. The cancer cells are burnt out using a laser beam.
92. The whole of his arm below the elbow was badly burnt.
93. The fire had burnt out before the fire engines arrived.
94. Bishop Tunstall preached a sermon against the book, after which copies were ceremonially burnt.
95. The book was declared blasphemous and all copies ordered to be burnt.
96. All the police had to go on was a half - burnt Christmas card.
97. He got his fingers badly burnt dabbling in the stock - market.
98. The clothing on his back got burnt away in the fire.
99. He was almost burnt out by the time he was 21.
100. In medieval Europe,(Sentence dictionary) many women were accused of being witches and were burnt at the stake.
101. I burnt the toast.
102. In/During medieval times, women thought to be witches were burnt at the stake.
103. In a fit of remorse she burnt all her lover's letters.
104. I got my fingers burned once and I don't want to get them burnt again.
105. The candle has burnt.
106. The flame burnt brightly.
107. He dropped his cigarette and burnt a hole in the carpet.
108. The fire burnt down.
109. Before them was an apocalyptic landscape of burnt villages and bomb craters.
110. The meat was burnt on the outside and raw in the middle.
111. Most of the skin on his face got burnt away in the fire.
112. I burnt out the motor in the first car I had.
113. Many people offered to donate blood and skin for the badly burnt worker.
114. Thousands of acres of forests and scrubland have been burnt.
115. I burnt the roof of my mouth on some hot soup.
116. The building burnt yesterday.
117. A hot coal fell out of the fire and burnt the carpet.
118. The car was found abandoned in a wood, completely burnt out.
119. The fire had burnt out before the fire brigade arrived.
120. The fire burnt for three days before it was finally contained.
More similar words: turn toburnburnerburn upburn outburnishburningburnishedburyburstsuburbburialbureauburgerburst insuburbanburst intohamburgerturnturn onspurnchurnbureaucracyreturnturn upturn outjourneyturn offturn injournal
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