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Home > Wild oat in a sentence

Wild oat in a sentence

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Sentence count:11Posted:2024-12-08Updated:2024-12-08
Similar words: wild oatswild oxwild goatrolled oatsdildoboil downbuild onnail downMeaning: n. common in meadows and pastures. 
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1. The kids need to sow a few wild oats.
2. He sowed all his wild oats before he married.
3. He wants to leave home, sow his wild oats and learn about life.
4. The problem is that he never sowed his wild oats before he got married, and he wants to sow them now.
4. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!
5. He's sown all his wild oats.
6. Sons sow wild oats and daughters risk being ruined.
7. Some sowing of wild oats is approved of, indeed positively welcomed in certain circles and settings.
8. The puffed wild oat flake retains nutrients and health-care functions of natural wild oat, and is a new wild oat food with improved palatability.
9. But long before that jalopy set out on Route 66, the wild oat had done its landscape-altering work.
10. Plus you can bump into some of the nation's best writers in the refrigerated section of Wild Oats.
11. Biaoxing 10% EC is a good herbicide of controlling Wild oat on spring wheat field.
More similar words: wild oatswild oxwild goatrolled oatsdildoboil downbuild onnail downwilddevildomevildoerwildeboil down toevildoingwilderwildlywild manwild asswild menrun wildwild yamwild dogwildingwildcatwild duckwildnesswildfowlwildfirewild pinkwild rice
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