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Video channel in a sentence

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Sentence count:17Posted:2024-03-15Updated:2024-03-15
Similar words: two-channelradio channelchannel tunnelco-channel interferencechannelchannelstv channelsubchannel
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1) I can't find the video channel on this television.
2) He switched to the video channel and turned the machine on.
3) Football news programmes on Sky and some music video channels use the same techniques.
4) It's an internet video channel.
5) Click here to visit the video channel.
6) "Borrowing Shadows and Representing Afresh" Video Channel Exposition" is a theme exposition in co-coordinating with the Opening Ceremony of the Second China International Gallery Exposition.
7) It converts a single baseband video channel to an optical signal and transmits it up to 2.5 kilometers to a fiber optic receiver where it is converted back to baseband video for monitoring.
8) By unicast transmission, the system t reserve dedicated video channel for each user , that can enable user watch any movie at any time.
9) The video channel can process, display the selection, net broadcast and control the angle and focus of the views.
10) Her daughter Meghana (in a PVC catsuit of her own design) is a model and former host on the music video channel VTV.
11) In this paper,( channel.html) the mechanisms of graphic control and video channel of the display chip are studied.
12) It works in the same way any telephone does , only with a separate line for video channel.
13) Quadruplex system has greatly saved the resource of optical fiber and induced the cost per video channel.
14) The China Daily recently reported that China Mobile , the world's largest wireless operator, announced a competition for video submissions for potential inclusion on a new mobile video channel.
15) Now available as an integrated option in new equipment or an easy upgrade for GeViScope CCTV platforms, the software can be run on any analog or IP video channel.
16) The present paper discusses the noise powers of the video channel before and after their exchange.
17) The Guide to P.R.C.Government Agencies is composed of five parts: Central Government, Provincial Government, Municipal Government, Personnel Changes and Video Channel.
More similar words: two-channelradio channelchannel tunnelco-channel interferencechannelchannelstv channelsubchannelchannel barchannelingair channelmain channeldata channelopen channelback-channelchannellingnorth channelwind channelback channelin the channellocal channelvoice channelsound channelinterchanneloutput channelmarket channeltrade channelshort channelchannel groupmultichannel
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