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Home > Ten dollar bill in a sentence

Ten dollar bill in a sentence

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Sentence count:10Posted:2024-03-21Updated:2024-03-21
Similar words: dollar billone dollar billtwenty dollar billhundred dollar billnondollarfeel like a million dollarscanadian dollaramerican dollarMeaning: n. a United States bill worth 10 dollars. 
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(1) Some people carry a ten dollar bill, to keep the potential mugger happy and stave off an angry attack.
(2) Two twenty dollar bills and one ten dollar bill.
(3) Here is a ten dollar bill.
(4) Four pieces of ten dollar bill and ten pieces of a dollar bill, please.
(5) "One boy answers, "We found a ten dollar bill and decided to give it to whoever tells the biggest lie.
(6) So the boys given the ten dollar bill to their teacher.
(7) In her pocket was a thin leather wallet containing six ten dollar bills.
(8) Then she says, "If each of you gentlemen will give me $10.00, I'll show you my thighs, " and men being what they are[], they all pull out a ten dollar bill.
(9) Lying on his bunk, Red unfolds the square. A ten dollar bill.
(10) Ever wonder how a money changer machine knows if you've given it a one, a five or a ten dollar bill?
More similar words: dollar billone dollar billtwenty dollar billhundred dollar billnondollarfeel like a million dollarscanadian dollaramerican dollaraustralian dollardollarsand dollareurodollarhalf dollardollar signdollar volumesilver dollarcollarbonedollar standarddollar exchangedollars-and-centsnew zealand dollarpillar-boxpillar boxdollar diplomacysingapore dollarunited states dollardollar-cost averaginghong kong dollarachilles tendoncapillary tension
Total 10, 30 Per page  1/1 
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