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Temperature range in a sentence

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Sentence count:61Posted:2018-03-28Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: temperature risetemperatureroom temperaturerun a temperaturebody temperaturehigh temperaturetemperature scalehave a temperature
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1. The patient's normal temperature range is established following admission and checked regularly in the early post-operative period.
2. The temperature range covers typical values expected in magma chambers.
3. Many reptiles have a preferred temperature range within internally regulated diurnal rhythms.
4. It is effective over a wide temperature range although lighting may be difficult in extreme cold.
5. The rate constants within the temperature range from 300-2100K are calculated using conventional transition state theory.
6. Viscose AIDS temperature range than the minimum temperature extensive pressure - sensitive labels.
7. A new type of wide - temperature range NTC thermistor with obvious variable B - value character was developed.
8. Work at a higher pressure and higher operating temperature range,[] can be completely sealed.
9. Thermocouple linearity varies(, depending on thermocouple type and temperature range.
10. Operating temperature range of - 13 F to 185 F allows greater durability.
11. The new liquid crystals feature wide working temperature range, low operation voltage and high reliability.
12. Defining the temperature range of the cross-linking process would be very helpful to optimize the poling conditions of the corresponding cross-linked polymer.
13. And Sadia has also introduced a small controller, allowing the user to accurately set the required temperature range.
14. A series of simple push-buttons on the solid state device enables the required temperature range to be set precisely.
15. The enthalpy-change coating consists of some matters as a base material causing endothermic reaction at a certain temperature range, which acts as iron chill when placed on a mold or core surface.
16. The full dispersion equations are transformed so that they are well suited for numerical evaluation in the temperature range where a fully relativistic treatment is needed.
17. The advantages of primary lithium battery are high voltage, stable discharge curve, broad application temperature range, long shelf life, low self discharge rate, etc.
18. The AD9200 uses a multistage differential pipeline architecture at 20 MSPS data rates and guarantees no missing codes over the full operating temperature range.
19. Experimental results show that apparent specific heat of sand mold materials is considered as a constant in low temperature range, but it is ...
20. When the PEP40 containing higher ethylene content crystallizes isothermally in the temperature range investigated, double melting peaks appear in each endotherm region.
21. Hermetically sealed, the HAEL load cells are moisture proof and provide pinpoint accuracy throughout a wide temperature range.
22. At this temperature it turns positive and remains so through - out its normal operating temperature range.
23. It was found that the ligand and complex of polymers are thermotropic nematic liquid crystals with wide mesomorphic temperature range.
24. This new additive have advantage with a gnd effect of filtrate las reduction, easy adjusting thickening time, good rheological property, low water abeorption rate and suit for large temperature range.
25. Magnetic relaxor ferroelectric materials (MRF) are compounds in which the relaxor ferroelectricity and ferromagnetic (antiferromagnetic) order coexist simultaneously in certain temperature range.
26. Due to insertion of ethylene comonomer in PP backbone, melting temperature range lowered and some melting peaks at high temperature disappeared.
27. The measurements on the saturated liquid were carried with the temperature range from 243 to 383K, and 215 data were obtained.
28. If the valve body material can be welded, but very different thermal expansion coefficient, or changes in operating temperature range of a larger thread junction closure weld must be honey.
29. It turns positive at this point and remains so throughout its normal operating temperature range.
30. The designed system could successfully improve the stability of energy within given temperature range and at the whole operation cycle, and could screen the interference of simmer signal.
More similar words: temperature risetemperatureroom temperaturerun a temperaturebody temperaturehigh temperaturetemperature scalehave a temperatureambient temperaturestandard temperaturetemperature gradientcritical temperaturetemperature indicatortemperature inversiontemperatetemperancetemperatelyintemperateintemperancetemperate zoneliteraturecomparative literaturetemperatemperamenttemperamentaltemperamentallyderangefailure ratederangedfree-range
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